Twitter Genius


Power Member
Jul 31, 2008
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Ok, I just got one of those annoying messages from Bishop Anders about his new software Twitter Genius.

The thing is I used to buy his stuff and it never worked properly sooooo I want to know if anyone on here has had any success with ANY of Bishop Anders software programs?

Have you seen or tried Twitter Genius?

Thanks guys
no and he always packs his software with some sort of spyware/virus
Ya know, I'm glad you said that even though I long since got a refund and uninstalled his software from my system, his yellow messages keep popping up.

Does anyone know how I can disable these yellow annoying messages?

His hype is good but his delivery in my opinion sucks but still how can he sell such crap and have such a huge following of people to keep buying his stuff?
yeah his products are shit, but he does market the hell out of it. plus there are a lot of noobs that will purchase anything that says it will get you fast results. so that means a lot of sales for for the virus, the last 2 softwares i had of his had a file called "vista" cant remember the full file name. but once i removed it, i didnt have anymore problems with anything running in the background. so try doing a file search for vista and see if you see something that looks odd.
I would like to get rid of his desktop, yellow post it type pop up too? His software is crap and he is sh*t imo. I only ended up on his list because he pushed Amy out. I was on Amy list and somehow this pushy dung ended up taking over a couple years later. Seriously, I want the yellow post it, Bishop Anders, desktop notices gone! Well, I feel better getting that off my chest...
Well, thanks I will look for the Vista thingy. Ya know if that doesn't work there should be some way to ask that fool to just remove us from his list of people he sends those damn things to.

I hope I can get rid of him from my system.

I'll let ya know
The file is called "vista message" and loads in the statup file. I think it is in the win 32 folder there is a thread here that will tell you how to disable it, by taking away privilages.

OMG, Thanks a ton. I am going to get right on this and remove the little ugly yellow joker:).

i had the same experience as well with the bishop anders softwares that was suppossedly to work "wonders" . at first i thot it was working until my laptop started acting funny even to the extent that i did a search on google and it brought out a message saying that i am using some malicious tool to search for info on google. Man, as soon as i saw that message i had to quickly delete all the "magic" softwares from my laptop. those softwares hv a lot of spyware that could seriously harm your computer.
Yeh, right now I'm trying to find the permissions info. I found the little vista message bug but now what? Ugh he should have some consequesnces for infected so many other people's computers.
Yea I actually went to his download page to check out some of his stuff and He had a trojan download implanted in his youtube genius software. Fken Cok sucker her is.
He is a true ass....thing is I still can't get rid of vista message from my comp. Any thoughts?
I think the way you disable it is to boot up in safe mode as the administrator then you take away all of the files privileges . This will keep it from loading up.

Wouldn't you know I just deleted the bookmark that I had for the thread.

Yea, that is always the way.....thanks James, I will try that. It is so frustrating to have to go through all of that just to get rid of that BS that should Never have been submitted.

Can I just delete the visat message file?
Oh, that is so f****d. That Bishop is scum. When I went to google to read about removing Vista message, I expected to find lots of neg info on marketersos but there is not nearly the outcry on the net their should be for all of this bogus crap he is pedaling.

I am really getting fired up about this dang bug he is puting on our computers.
So thats what that is... I have, or I guess I should say had, this thing on my computer and I didn't know what it was. Every time I tried to shut down my comp I get a message saying VistaMessage.exe is not responding and I have to end the process or it doesn't shut down. My firewall keeps me from getting that sticky note you guys were talking about, so I figured it was just coincidence, but I disabled it for a sec, and there it was. lol I used a prog called Zill@ D@t@ nuker (@ = a) and it took it right off. FYI first you must terminate the process with your task manager or it wont work.
Hey yea, that is what it is.....I tried zill D Nuk but there were errors after install hook errors. I have Windows Vista so maybe some kind of Vista conflict.

I just uninstalled Zil

Now, I am back to square one.

Any other suggestions on getting rid of this horrible bug?
I see this thread needs a response so here it is:
I had the misfortune of buying and installing an app from Bishop Anders of - I am NOT naming the software because I paid for it
and I may install it again on a dedicated desktop later.

I got the product through a reputable marketeer who made a commission,
I don't think my referrer tested it before recommending it!
Needless to say that was the last product I bought from my referrer!
--> NB - please don't refer software or ebooks that you have NOT used <--
That's the biggest problem with the Clickbank system!

Bishop's app had a Trojan that Avast warned me about.

That yellow pop up you guys are getting is not a regular pop-up,
it's a desktop messenger app and came bundled with the software.
He calls it Special Operations Software.
And he has the nerve of offering a service that allows others to promote their offers to "many desktops around the world"
(through his Special Operations Software, obviously)

I got rid of it by going in the Registry and finding and deleting all references
to the software that installed it.
NB - make sure you back up your registry file before making changes!
WARNING - if you've never done this before, learn on a system you won't mind reformatting!

The steps are:

now the Registry Editor is active.

the find menu pops up -> check all three boxes Keys, Values, Data.
and enter the name of the software.
carefully delete each occurrence.

If you get the Messenger window again,
repeat the steps and
Special Operations
or variations thereof,
and again carefully delete each occurrence.

Note to Diamond Dave, I know this is NOT a hacking forum, but this was the only way I found to get rid of Bishop Anders criminal behavior!
BTW, the Special Operations Software allows him to see everything you're doing while connected to the NET.
additional info
- the Bishop Anders "Genius" series comes bundled with
the desktop messenger "app".

So this is the registry entries you're looking for and should remove.
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