Twitter follow/unfollow ratio ? Tweet Adder question

General Lee

Regular Member
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
I had a brand new account get suppended here recently. I only had about 18 followers with me following around 400 people.

I'm using tweet adder and I'm just wondering what ratios are you guys using to great the huge numbers?
Been here a couple weeks now. And learned quick no one will give you real answers on this. I suggest reading twitters terms and make a decision based on what you gather from there. Good luck.

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Been here a couple weeks now. And learned quick no one will give you real answers on this. I suggest reading twitters terms and make a decision based on what you gather from there. Good luck.

Sent from TapTalk

Thanks for the reply. I can't say that I blame anyone for not giving up good info. Heck, I've learned tons that I don't plan to tell anyone...haha

I'll just keep on, keeping on....
i only follow 100 or less per day per account.
5% - 10% of these people follow me back.
the key is to have as many accounts as possible bro.
power in numbers.
I was using lots of account (5) with about 200 follow on each per day, which hits twitter's limit of 1000 follow per day (they say per account, but i say they track your IP) so after a couple weeks i though i'd try something else, and i've been only working on 1 account, making it look alive and all, + auto follow and so on, following 750 people a day/300 followback or so as of now ...
From my experience a lot depends on the age of account. I bought 1 week old account with 10k followers. Decided to follow 100 a day - it was suspended immideatly
My ratio is like 4.5. I like my following to be low and followers to be as high as possible.