Twitch bot earn money

I already tried farming on Twitch with an ad bot and in the first few months it worked, I managed to receive payment, but for about 3 months now all the accounts I try to make end up being banned, can you help me? I've already used webshare and iproyal proxies (residential statistics) I don't believe that the proxies are the problem, what do you say?

I saw that you commented on newly created accounts to watch, maybe that's my mistake, I always used the same accounts to watch, what do you think?
Hey bro, literally the same thing on my part, had a great 4-5 months of getting good pay outs then all my accounts got banned. Im making tweaks to the method but would really like to talk with people with similar ideas to me
Hi, I've been interested in bots for twitch for a long time, I wanted to know if it was possible and I saw that yes. Now the question, where should I find these boots, should I buy them on a site or should I create them (Account + 5sim for number phone) one by one with proxies with an antidetect browser?

For the site I see :

And for the proxy : I see IPRoyal ( but which proxy is the best for ? )

Thanks for all
I think you can earn anything unless you're under the partnership plan.
Creating your bot is a good solution.
Hey bro, literally the same thing on my part, had a great 4-5 months of getting good pay outs then all my accounts got banned. Im making tweaks to the method but would really like to talk with people with similar ideas to me
hey there, if you wanned to talk about some methods hit me up, i have like an automatic system to streams and ad botting, and im looking for people like u
Hi, I've been interested in bots for twitch for a long time, I wanted to know if it was possible and I saw that yes. Now the question, where should I find these boots, should I buy them on a site or should I create them (Account + 5sim for number phone) one by one with proxies with an antidetect browser?

For the site I see :

And for the proxy : I see IPRoyal ( but which proxy is the best for ? )

Thanks for all
Best are proxies with anti detect browsers Proxy cake is the best for proxies as far as I know.
hey there, if you wanned to talk about some methods hit me up, i have like an automatic system to streams and ad botting, and im looking for people like u
How get a get in communication with you bro, id love to talk
Can someone dm me trying to get involved got partnered accounts but the last bot I tried didn't work
i can trade my software to bot in exchange of an HQ proxy provider cause mine is now off