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Tutorial of Failure


Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Alright guys, I'm fairly new here, though I think I've read 80% of every post about Charon/Proxies/Youtube. I'd like to run through what I've done so far, and I'd appreciate anybody telling me what I've done wrong.

1) Find enormous list of anon/elite proxies. Did this with Google, forums, etc.
2) Check with Charon. Got maybe fifty Good, Anonymous Proxies after checking.
3) At this point I have two methods of increasing Youtube views:
a) TubeIncreaser... loaded list of good proxies. TubeIncreaser generates no views.
b) Made an HTML file that constantly loads thirty copies of the target video, using SwitchProxy to hide IP, and CheckForChange to reload nonstop. This works wonderfully until I hit 200 views, at which point I have to switch IP's or pull up a proxy.

I guess my main problem is that proxies just... don't work. No matter how "Good" Charon says they are, when I try to USE them (either for Firefox or TubeIncreaser), I can't connect to anything.

Any suggestions?
Weird. Have you tried using the proxies from tubeincreasers site?
yeah. I downloaded them all and ran them through Charon. Only got about five or six good ones, so I stopped by the forums at my-proxy and got a (better) list of proxies.

So I was trying it out last night, and BOOM my proxies started working. But this morning (more than five hours later) the vid still says I have only 286 views, which is what I got even without TubeIncreaser. Any thoughts?
Do you have a firewall? Disable it for a moment and try. Do you have a router? Go into your port forwarding section of your router settings and allow all the common proxy ports (8080 for example).
Thanks. Hope this works better.

You know what's weird... stuff started working today. Got about 100 hits every 10 minutes. Is this a good speed? I'm on a slow DSL connection but I'll be upgrading in January.
I'd say that's pretty good.

If you want more, open multiple instances of the software and run them simultaneously.
With 4 instances of TI running simultaneously I get about 150k views per 24hrs.
And I need this output as I got an $500 deal for increasing a special vid on YT.

To make it work like that you just need 3 things:
- a pretty good computer
- a fast and stable internet connection
- a good bunch of fresh checked http proxies (codeen etc. filtered out).

The only thing you can experiment with is the fine tuning with the settings of TI.

It's pretty easy ... ;)
Hey shankarax. What are YOUR settings for TI?
I want to compare mine with other people.
Mine is at 5 delay and timeout
and 40 threads?
I run 4 x 40 threads of TI as follows:
Delay: 1 - 3
Timeout: 10 - 15

It's also recommendable to replace the proxy list with a fresh one every 8 hrs.
Basically I run a list with 1 - 2k proxies checked by myself with ProxyFire Master Suite.

Happy boosting :)
All I can say is Codeens don't work for me (I examined that carefully).

If they work for you then it's great. ;)
Thanks shankarax =]
Yeah Codeens and planetlabs dont work for me.
I suggest that people filter them