[TUT] Find lucrative niches with Google's latest tool


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
The hottest new tool from google might help you find exactly what you're looking for when you try to target a niche to a certain country (get the big bucks in CPA/PPD)... this tool is Google Global Market Finder

url: http://translate.google.com/globalmarketfinder/index.html?locale=en

Global Market Finder takes your keywords, translates them in to different languages, and examines the popularity and cost of those matches in various countries around the world. I think this is something that should prove super relevant for detecting trends and opportunities in countries that haven't yet been saturated by competition.

I would certainly hesitate before staking my balls on the accuracy of Google's data, but as a guideline to be used in correlation with other trends, it serves up some interesting information.

Once you've picked a keyword to research, you can compare data using the nine filters: Africa, Americas, Asia, Emerging Markets, Europe, European Union, G20, Middle East and Oceania.

Forgetting about Adwords altogether, we can use this tool to establish the demand for products in cultures that we might not be familiar with. You could spend an entire afternoon translating your keywords and measuring the search volume. But Global Market Finder does the chore of translation and comparison for you.

The incentive of knowing 380,000 Brazilians are looking to lose weight (every month) may just be enough to convince an affiliate marketer to dust down his Portuguese and rebrand those trashy landing pages.

There are many rapidly growing economies with consumers looking to flex their newly discovered purchasing power. If you can sell the same content, in a different language, to a willing market surely it's worth exploring!!!



SOURCE: http://finchsells.com/2011/09/22/more-lucrative-niches-exposed-with-global-market-finder/
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It was easyer to express myself with someone else's words... someone that knows how to write well... the ideea was the tool... but I guess it's easier to find duplicate content than see the whole point!

If I were to express myself in my own words I would have written the tool's name and url... and I don't think many people would have understood what was this about!

P.S.: What I wrote about was new here... it wasn't posted by someone else on this forum!
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It was easyer to express myself with someone else's words... someone that knows how to write well... the ideea was the tool... but I guess it's easier to find duplicate content than see the whole point!

If I were to express myself in my own words I would have written the tool's name and url... and I don't think many people would have understood what was this about!

That's BS. You wrote stuff on here that wasn't yours, when you easily could have referenced them in your post. This was done to most likely gain rep, which you probably will lose because of it.

Smooth move, exlax!
when you copy something ... post a link to original article.

anyways this was new to me. just found people in japan use my keyword 1000 times monthly.

i did not see the above post . this window was open for a long time before i replied.
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Thanks a lot for all the minuses in the rep!!!... although I think it will help a lot of people... even if at first I did not post the source link
Thanks I found this a very useful post

Since a lot of the stuff here is copied anyway , I dont see the point in the flaming

Different if this had already been posted on BHW

Gave you back some of your REP
next time start with I found this on this site.. then explain and share.
Do not credit yourself
Rep adding back for you.
Thanks a lot! I'll keep that in mind and won't make the same mistake again!
Glad to see good members has given you your rep back Good info and thanks for sharing
Just gave you some rep, and thank you so much for sharing this with us! it's great!!!