Trying to rank a video #1 for a local KW using fiverr gigs. Suggestions?


Elite Member
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
The keyword is not overly competitive and the video already has some comments and close to 10,000 views.

Thus far I bought 2 highly rated gigs one embeds the video in 30+ blog network with anchor text links back to the video another is a $9 wiki gig from here at BHW.

There has to be some breaking point here where I build enough links to this video that I get the top spot (or at least the top 3) Any suggestions on gigs or methods is appreciated.
What kind of views were those 10K? I bought a fiverr gig once that gave me a sheit load of views in less than 24 hours and that video didn't rank worth a sheit. The most recent video I ranked 3rd for, was a local kw "auto repair city" using vagex views to get just over 2600 yt views and just 2 comments. Didn't do any backlinking at all. Though I've heard bookmarking helps.

Your onpage seo is optimized, right?
Try This ....

his fiverr links


Blatant self promotion.

Most people goto Fiverr, search for a term and then sort by rating. You'll get the more popular gigs (which are usually successful in ranking sites).
What kind of views were those 10K? I bought a fiverr gig once that gave me a sheit load of views in less than 24 hours and that video didn't rank worth a sheit. The most recent video I ranked 3rd for, was a local kw "auto repair city" using vagex views to get just over 2600 yt views and just 2 comments. Didn't do any backlinking at all. Though I've heard bookmarking helps.

The views were done with Vagex some time ago yes. I just put some effort into improving the onpageseo for the video. The keyword I am trying to rank for is [city name] taxi I held the number one spot for this for years with my EMD website but now that is sitting at #11 and I dont want to damage it anymore by trying to do SEO to it. I rather try to rank Google's properties.

Your onpage seo is optimized, right?

Blatant self promotion.

Most people goto Fiverr, search for a term and then sort by rating. You'll get the more popular gigs (which are usually successful in ranking sites).

Looks like someone deleted the comment before I even saw it so no big deal. I dont care if somone is self promoting if I went to check out the gig and no one bought it and had shit reviews then I wouldnt buy it right?
I typically go the vagex route and add around 500 views per day max. If you hit a video too hard in a single day and then don't do anything it looks obvious you are using fake views. I have been scared of getting my videos flag from fake views but after 100k fake views I have never had one taken down. I also use tubetoolbox to send out private messages to scraped lists of users that have commented on related videos. This gets real views from people that probably have interest in your video. You can add 4 additional yt accounts to assist in the messaging. I set this happen in 15 min increments, where it will send 5 messages from each account and then wait 15 minutes. I have tried doing it faster but it trips a filter. Doing it this way, tubetoolbox will run in the background for a few days. The messages are spun but they basically say, "hey I saw you were interested in "insert niche" and I thought you might like "x" video here. Hope you are doing well and sorry to bother you if you not interested. Peace" As for backlinking I don't have much experience b/c I have not tried it very much. For real links that will get real traffic you might try to find a sub category on reddit for your niche. Hit some related forums and drop a link. If it is niche related I usual say something like, "Hey I just made my first video for "niche related to forum" and wanted to get some suggestions. Anyone see anything I can improve or anything I did wrong?" Since it is relevant to the niche the videos usually don't get removed. Add you video as a response to a video that already gets lots of dailys. I don't think this hurts your video any and if the original video owner does not allow it as a response move it to another video. This will leverage someone else's popularity. And lastly you can spread it across social media and that should get views if done properly. I prefer facebook b/c the links last longer than twitter. If you niche is cars then google " car" scrape all of the links and start dropping links. I use facebook friend adder and have each account drop the link to five pages and then moves on the next account. I run this daily until I get through my list. Have at least 10 versions of your test spun so it avoids tripping any spam filters. These links always get clicks from potentially interested peeps.
Have you tried high retention views or the regular 5-10% audience retention? check your anlytics
tHE VAGEX VIEWS i HAVE i GOT MONTH....Sorry about Caps.. i got them months ago from another BHW user who had a bunch of extra credits he was giving away free. I am sure lots of the 10k views I have now are natural views also. I have not messed with this video in months until today. I logged in and saw that my tags could be loads better as well as my video description and stupid me I didn't have this one monetized which may be because I was warned not to with Vagex now that I think of it.

Question about Tags for you guys. I read in once guide to Tag only like your 5 most sought Tags another guide said tag until you max out on characters with every possible keyword and another said to tag it with 5 important keyword tags and then use tags like sex blackjack poker gangbang etc so you get lots of views from dumb people who think you can find sex vids on youtube.

Which method is preferred for ranking for a local keyword? I went with maxing out the tags for every possible keyword combination I could think of for the local search.
tHE VAGEX VIEWS i HAVE i GOT MONTH....Sorry about Caps.. i got them months ago from another BHW user who had a bunch of extra credits he was giving away free. I am sure lots of the 10k views I have now are natural views also. I have not messed with this video in months until today. I logged in and saw that my tags could be loads better as well as my video description and stupid me I didn't have this one monetized which may be because I was warned not to with Vagex now that I think of it.

Question about Tags for you guys. I read in once guide to Tag only like your 5 most sought Tags another guide said tag until you max out on characters with every possible keyword and another said to tag it with 5 important keyword tags and then use tags like sex blackjack poker gangbang etc so you get lots of views from dumb people who think you can find sex vids on youtube.

Which method is preferred for ranking for a local keyword? I went with maxing out the tags for every possible keyword combination I could think of for the local search.
The very first video that I got ranked on the first page of G was also from the free views handed out by GST and that's how I got introduced to vagex. No backlinks on that one either.

I usually put in the tags the same kw that the video is trying to rank for, nothing more, and it's worked so far. A quick run down of where you should have your kw... file name, title, description, tags.
It matters that the keyword is in the filename you think? Can that be changed after the video has been uploaded?

The very first video that I got ranked on the first page of G was also from the free views handed out by GST and that's how I got introduced to vagex. No backlinks on that one either.

I usually put in the tags the same kw that the video is trying to rank for, nothing more, and it's worked so far. A quick run down of where you should have your kw... file name, title, description, tags.
It matters that the keyword is in the filename you think? Can that be changed after the video has been uploaded?
Well, every little bit helps. Can't change it after uploading, you would have to upload a different file of the same video but that would be considered a different video. What page is your video on? How long has it been after the backlink gigs? It does take some time for the ranking for certain kws.

Sometimes it just doesn't work like it should, G's algo operate in mysterious ways. I've got a dentist video that never ranked and has fallen from 60 to 400 and I can't figure out what's going on there. It should be ranking just like the other two videos, it's even got way more views, over 4k. I'm going to try some bookmarking links on it and see if it helps any.
ya too late to change file name now. It seems like i learned this already though. this video was uploaded some time ago and the newer videos I uploaded all have the KW in the filename. The gigs I purchased were just recently. I know it takes time I was just wondering how far I should pursue this.

This video as well as all other videos and all of my websites as well as most citations I ever have built get manually bookmarked to my own subreddit and I normally post links to my g + which automatically tweets and then posts to my public facebook profile. Everything crawled nicely that way.

Well, every little bit helps. Can't change it after uploading, you would have to upload a different file of the same video but that would be considered a different video. What page is your video on? How long has it been after the backlink gigs? It does take some time for the ranking for certain kws.

Sometimes it just doesn't work like it should, G's algo operate in mysterious ways. I've got a dentist video that never ranked and has fallen from 60 to 400 and I can't figure out what's going on there. It should be ranking just like the other two videos, it's even got way more views, over 4k. I'm going to try some bookmarking links on it and see if it helps any.
Have you tried high retention views or the regular 5-10% audience retention? check your anlytics

Are the views you supply safe to go along with the ads or if I buy should I remove the adsense? What specifically in my analytics am I looking for? Can you walk me through it?
I rank vids recently using GSA, no filter (just no porn sites)... scrape a huge KW list with SB, 20-1000 exact match KWs usually rank 1st page within 2-3 days. But I only care to rank in G, not YT... I buy views, but only like 20-50 per vid, and 2-10 comments.
Some time ago I solved a similar problem. At Fiverr, I bought a couple of gigs. I bought backlinks for my video from the seller who uses the software Traffic Geyser Platinum. I also bought backlink pyramid with 5000 high pr profiles.I also bought a views, shares and comments.And finally, I used YouLikeHits. And finally my video appeared on the first page in a very competitive niche.
I rank vids recently using GSA, no filter (just no porn sites)... scrape a huge KW list with SB, 20-1000 exact match KWs usually rank 1st page within 2-3 days. But I only care to rank in G, not YT... I buy views, but only like 20-50 per vid, and 2-10 comments.
Can you explain what you do with the keywords?
The keyword is not overly competitive and the video already has some comments and close to 10,000 views.

Thus far I bought 2 highly rated gigs one embeds the video in 30+ blog network with anchor text links back to the video another is a $9 wiki gig from here at BHW.

There has to be some breaking point here where I build enough links to this video that I get the top spot (or at least the top 3) Any suggestions on gigs or methods is appreciated.
Where are you currently ranking? Have you seen any ranking improvements since buying those two gigs? I'd just keep adding views, likes, favs and comments and it should continue to increase in ranking.
I Scrape a thousand + KWs in scrape box. Copy and paste in a txt file. Import the txt file in GSA as the KW. I uncheck the "use KWs as anchor" option. Then I make my anchors the one or two phrases I wanna rank for, maybe with 20% naked urls. And you're in business!

GSA pulls sites based on your KWs, so the more KWs you have the more targeted sites the software will find.
I've used bigbuddy service to rank 2 videos and they hit the 1st page real easy with that + basic on page SEO and no off page SEO

His time watched service.
Some time ago I solved a similar problem. At Fiverr, I bought a couple of gigs. I bought backlinks for my video from the seller who uses the software Traffic Geyser Platinum. I also bought backlink pyramid with 5000 high pr profiles.I also bought a views, shares and comments.And finally, I used YouLikeHits. And finally my video appeared on the first page in a very competitive niche.

Can you pm me the sellers username or link to his gig? O wait.. Traffic geyser just posts the video on other video sites right?

Where are you currently ranking? Have you seen any ranking improvements since buying those two gigs? I'd just keep adding views, likes, favs and comments and it should continue to increase in ranking.

One online checker is showing it at number 12. No response in serps yet. Do you know of other online checkers? One shows me at 12 one shows me not in top 15. One of the gigs isnt even done running yet so.. no big deal so far.

I had not heard of GSA it looks like great software.
I Scrape a thousand + KWs in scrape box. Copy and paste in a txt file. Import the txt file in GSA as the KW. I uncheck the "use KWs as anchor" option. Then I make my anchors the one or two phrases I wanna rank for, maybe with 20% naked urls. And you're in business!

GSA pulls sites based on your KWs, so the more KWs you have the more targeted sites the software will find.

In what kind of sites are you posting with GSA, blog comments, forums and social bookmarks? all the supported list?