Trouble redirection submit in RSS error


Power Member
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hi good morning,

Well try to explain simple :)

You are in gambling business you have a link look like


So you try to use a redirection look like 301
(in this case you can change meta title , description, keywords ).

I do it and when i have i want to submit in my favourite rss program.

"This does not appear to be an RSS feed URL. RSS submit can attempt to auto discover .........."

At the end there is nothing :eek:

So you need to submit the new redirection to a "feed page" to get a feed link and submit

After all ok


1- if RSS can not read a new redirection does it loo like search engine can not read it ? or only RSS can not read it

2- Nice to use it but imagine the work if i need each time i make a redirection to make too rss (losing time)

Have you too the same trouble online please with redirection?

Thanks enjoy your day