Trouble Port Forwarding with my BGW210-700 router!!.help!!!


Jul 17, 2020
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hey guys, I’m really struggling a lot with this. Basically I just changed to att recently and have the bgw210700 and it won’t let me port forward to port 3128. I’ve literally done everything people have recommended in different forums and NOTHING seems to work. Any fixes for this? It says connection refused. I’m trying to open the port to connect to my raspberri pi 3 b+ and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
My ultimate goal is building a 4g mobile proxy.
hey guys, I’m really struggling a lot with this. Basically I just changed to att recently and have the bgw210700 and it won’t let me port forward to port 3128. I’ve literally done everything people have recommended in different forums and NOTHING seems to work. Any fixes for this? It says connection refused. I’m trying to open the port to connect to my raspberri pi 3 b+ and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
My ultimate goal is building a 4g mobile proxy.

Check the control panel to make sure port forwarding hasn't been disabled