Triond - Associated Content or Helium


Registered Member
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
I have been digging and see that the 3 big players in the content for money game are Triond, Associated Content, and Helium.

From these 3, what ones are best?
What are the pit falls and benefits from them?

Would it be best to write content, submit it to "AC" as original, then to Triond and Helium as non-orginal for maximum earning potential?

Any in-site or ideas on this topic.


i only wish to say that AC is not that easy to earn money with now adays...getting stict.
helium is a good one to earn money, but you must compete with the other.

I have no experience with triond now. my submitted article getting rejected. :p
I might try the other two, Triod and Helium. Thanks!
i only wish to say that AC is not that easy to earn money with now adays...getting stict.

Hi peter,

Why do you say this? I ask as I am recruiting a few freelance writers to generate content for AC, why is it difficult now?
Do they have a cap on the posts you can submit?

cocoholo - You say you may try the other 2. Do you have experience with AC then, if so good or bad?

Thanks for the responses.