Treating Youtube vid like a money site?


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
Like if I'm trying to rank a YT video, should I be treating it like a money site? With tiers and all that?
You can add backlinks and social traffic. In some cases. Organic traffic which accounts for a lot of leads to this
I'm still building a list of videos. They make a lot of users for me.

Good landing page will bring good conversion
Yes you can build links to them like a money site but you don't have to be as meticulous. Treat them like parasite pages :)
You are taking youtube seriously, Just blast the video with links It will rank with in few days. Very low chances of penalty.
I am seeing a lot of people started to make money from youtube and most of them treating it as money site. I too started few videos on travel, but it is very low viewers.
Building links shall be a great way to get traffic and rank well in SERP's
No need of treating youtube video as Money site.. choose the video keyword and blast it with links... within a week you ll get ranked..