TLDs other than .com, .org, .net for PBN


Elite Member
Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
are , for example, TLDs like .me or .online or .digital with good metrics and links as powerful as same metrics .com domain ?
ot it does not matter at all?
are , for example, TLDs like .me or .online or .digital with good metrics and links as powerful as same metrics .com domain ?
ot it does not matter at all?
Search engines don't give a fuck. They will rank any TLD under the sun if it has enough signals for their algorithm to rank.

.coms happen to be naturally trustworthy to humans for some reason tho. Give your average internet lad 2 links with the exact names, but one ending in a .com and another ending in some random TLD; 7 times out of 10 they will click on the dotcom.

So to search engines, there's so such thing as one TLD being "more powerful". It's that humans trust one TLD more than the other. And if a search engine factors that into its ranking algorithms, that will reflect in the rankings.

I have personally done a small study about 2 years ago. I took a random sample of 1 million websites from the "Top 10 million sites" list of Open PageRank.

Out of those 1 million sites, iirc about 70% were .com , .net , .org and country ccTLDs.

What's the reason for that? Well I believe the trust/appeal for other gTLDs isn't their yet.
TLDs are TLDs.

They see the majority of them the same. Meaningless extensions, IIRC.

However, I prefer .com & .net for money site domains.

As for PBN, the only thing that matters is not leaving a footprint & the metrics improving over time. (Loosely, but you understand).
I like geo-specific TLDs for PBNs that target a niche in a particular country (.nl .de .in etc etc)
I think it's a really great idea for you to "diversify" your blog post network through different TLDs.

As you probably already know, if you're building a PBN, you need to make it look as natural as possible.

If they're all .com, that may be a red flag.

Of course, it's not as intense or as ruby red or a red flag as the same class C IP block, but it's up there.

You want to throw off Google as much as you can so don't just stop at different IPs, different domain registrars, different hosts, as well as different themes.

TLDs can also go a long way in adding some much-needed "diversity" in your PBN network.