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Those wearing Glasses do you surf BHW on desktop or smartphone?

Professor Cat

Banned-Rules Violation
Apr 1, 2024
Reaction score
I find it a bit hard to browse via desktop. Maybe due to the yellow wordings and black background EPIC I can see clearly on my iPhone.
The easiest interface on my eyes I have ever used.

It's worth to use this color scheme in other places.

You can customize some apps in similar fashion.

Only thing they could improve is quoting many people on smartphone.
Desktop, no problems at all. You could always make your life weird by using the White (I know, scary) version of the site.

Use the Style Chooser at the bottom of this page left corner to change theme.
Is not due to my Optician doing a poor job come testing my short sighted. I browse other site is all OK. clear wordings etc. Just that come BHW via desktop. I find it a bit blur come reading perhaps due to the striking yellow wordings on black background which I claim but come browsing via my iPhone is clear ok.
Desktop, no problems at all. You could always make your life weird by using the White (I know, scary) version of the site.

Use the Style Chooser at the bottom of this page left corner to change theme.
Thanks , now is better at least.
Is not due to my Optician doing a poor job come testing my short sighted. I browse other site is all OK. clear wordings etc. Just that come BHW via desktop. I find it a bit blur come reading perhaps due to the striking yellow wordings on black background which I claim but come browsing via my iPhone is clear ok.
Ohh, sorry to hear that.
Remi will save you
https://www.blackhatworld.com/misc/style?style_id=12&_xfRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blackhatworld.com%2Fseo%2Fthose-wearing-glasses-do-you-surf-bhw-on-desktop-or-smartphone.1585290%2F&t=1711974134%2C582f7dfb57e235e137ad6e5976e28725 to view BHW in a totally new perspective :)
that's a surprise @RoiBox preaching about white theme
@Echo HE IS ONE OF US !!!
How about come Mobile verison, I click that small thunder icon change to white so must save it or no need?
Lol don't troll me yea. Thanks to RoiBox tell me can change the colour of the background. Now is better.
Thanks to AI you can learn English, so people can understand what you say.

Just paste to AI your sentence and ask "correct this text to correct English".

Interesting looks. Looks like windows 95.



Indeed, it looks better now.

And forget posting affiliate links on this forum.
Only psychopaths use white themes not only here but in general.
It might be a problem that we are humans and the original poster claims to be a cat?
I am advised to wear glasses. But I don't. Because I find it hard to concentrate with glasses.
I am advised to wear glasses. But I don't. Because I find it hard to concentrate with glasses.
Wrong glasses. Try 16 pairs. If not strong ones, then weak ones. All combinations. Take it as solving a problem. Try until you find a working combination.

I would do that because I have strong problem and don't see screen 30 cm in front of me.