This wearable charging device for gadgets is brilliant - it's called the WANK BAND


Supreme Member
Sep 18, 2010
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This is a bracelet that generates power through movement - it stores that power which can then be used to charge gadgets up.

And it's called the WankBand!

It's a Pornhub idea and I bet they sell loads of them.
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And if anyone wants to take advantage of the undoubted media coverage this is going to get is available

In fact, the only one not available is the .com

I was going to grab it myself but we're so stacked with projects it'd just go to waste - so I thought I'd throw the idea out there instead :)

Someone should go for it!
Haha yeah I saw that pop up on Facebook earlier today. I'm still not sure what to make of it... is it just a publicity stunt or are they serious? Whatever the case is, I loved their video. Was definitely a welcome break from work (my boss appreciated it too)!

Love the "be(a)ta" bit on their site too! :D
Haha yeah I saw that pop up on Facebook earlier today. I'm still not sure what to make of it... is it just a publicity stunt or are they serious? Whatever the case is, I loved their video. Was definitely a welcome break from work (my boss appreciated it too)!

Love the "be(a)ta" bit on their site too! :D

I think its legit but also some what of a PR stunt, there are other wrist worn kinetic chargers that you can wear such as watches. This device just has a larger kinetic charger in it.^24137587440-sku^1681917828-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^55083535335
Pornhub's marketing team could teach us all a thing or two!
I think its legit but also some what of a PR stunt, there are other wrist worn kinetic chargers that you can wear such as watches. This device just has a larger kinetic charger in it.

Well we'll see I guess! I can definitely see myself getting one for my friend just as a joke :)

Whether or not it's legit, a big thumbs up for me! :biglaugh: