This guy buys limited P@yP@l accounts, How does he do it?


Junior Member
May 24, 2008
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How does this guy do it?

I saw this adsense advert in my gmail.

My fee is 50% of account balance Accounts limited over 180 days only

He must be onto something here.... any thoughts?
nooo i believe u pay him 50% of the balance to unlimited it
The end result is the same I guess, whatever the process.

...but how does he do it?
Just because he advertises he does it doesnt mean he does it. Only way to try and find out is try the service or find someone who has.
Just because he advertises he does it doesnt mean he does it. Only way to try and find out is try the service or find someone who has.

Very very true, I don't have any accounts limited, otherwise I would give it a try.

Still, this smells very blackhat to me. I guess some photoshop skills and and a good supply of bank accounts could snare some dollars.
after 180 days, PP will unset the limited state.
Then you can add credit card or bank account to withdraw the money
why should a person buy limited paypal accounts for? interesting...
yeah is pritty cool

do you think he will take my old account?? its got $2 in it still lolz
not bad idea ... he gets 50% of the balance ...
It seems to me that someone could probably throw an escrow twist on this, to increase the comfort level of the poor people with frozen PP accounts.
neat idea imho, he can either continue and cash 50% every time or just screw quite a lot over..
matt, I do not see how, and, people that need those accounts are deparate sometimes. Hell, I wouldn't charge 50% for all transactions, smaller ones yeah, but, as the amounts grew I could charge a lower percent and make more. With a scaled pricing I'd always have the customer pay the WU or MG fees

Dealing with BH I think his SEO could be out done rapidly enough and he'd be sunk rather quickly s)phia.
i can't believe no one knows how he does it..

you buy a reloadable VISA (which are reloaded via bank account). they are sold at like every gas station, JFC
yeah but the reloadable VISA have a limit of about 100-200$.. what can you do if you have a limited paypal account with more than 1K in it?? like i have for the moment...
This sounds more like a scam to me. I'd be really hesitant to hand over my account. Could be an attempt at identity theft where he takes some of your cash as well as gathering up your details.
matt, I do not see how, and, people that need those accounts are deparate sometimes. Hell, I wouldn't charge 50% for all transactions, smaller ones yeah, but, as the amounts grew I could charge a lower percent and make more. With a scaled pricing I'd always have the customer pay the WU or MG fees

Completely agree about the scaled pricing.

With regards to the escrow twist, think of a standard Escrow service: Person A wants something, and person B agrees to provide it. When the terms are finalized, A places the agreed upon price in escrow, and B, upon confirming that the funds are there, proceeds with the job.

In this case, we are inclined to view the person who has the PP account as person A and the "unfreezer" as person B, but I would actually argue that it is the other way around. The unfreezer is actually the person who wants something, and the people with the frozen PP accounts are the people qualified to "do the job".

I know that a lot of the escrow services have TOS restrictions on some types of jobs, and this sort of money transfer probably runs afoul of their money laundering clauses (although I don't really consider any scheme that involves losing 25%+ and waiting over 180 days to be laundering), but in theory, the unfreezer could simply offer to put 50% (or whatever the agreed fee was) in escrow up front, payable upon the transfer of predetermined $ amount from the "frozen" PP account.

Anyway, I am probably overthinking it. Some people will always be convinced this is a scam, and will never go for it, no matter what assurances are offered, and some people will always be desperate enough to try, regardless of how little guarantee there is.