Think Twice Before adding any BH Website on Bing/Google Webmaster Tools/Console


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2008
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Back in 2017, on a lazy Sunday, I created a website specifically for CPA Content Locking in the Gaming niche.

On that website, I slammed around 15 posts targeting keywords like "Fortnite Aimbot", "PUBG Aimbot", etc and had that sweet CTA button that was linked to a content/file locker.

I must admit, the content was SUPER crappy but surprisingly a few months later, I logged in to my Google Analytics to realize that I was getting 200 unique visitors a day with the majority of my keywords ranking in the TOP 3 results on Yahoo and Bing. After checking my CPALead account (Yes CPALead sucks due to low payouts, but that's what I used back then), I was happy to see the website making 10-15 leads a day.

I left the website untouched for the past 4 years, happily making me a consistent 10-30 leads every single eday (CPALead paid $0.20/lead but I switched later on to CPABuild and they paid $1.5/lead)

Then came the dreaded 1st of July 2021 which is when I decided to add that website to Bing's Webmaster Tools and Microsoft Clarity in order analyze the traffic better and see how I can improve on the user experience, blah blah.....

A week later, I noticed that I am not getting any leads. I checked my Google analytics and my sweet 200-300 visitors/day turmoiled down to 2-3 visitors/day. It took me a couple of minutes to realize that my website was no longer listed on BING nor YAHOO, even when I search my WEBSITENAME.COM I get 0 results....

This is why I came to the conclusion that either:
  • I SHOULD NEVER add any BH assets to BING/GOOGLE webmaster tools/console.
  • This was just a coincidence which I personally don't believe it is.
Feel free to share your opinion =)
why in this world would anyone want to ad a bh site to search consoles?
why in this world would anyone want to ad a bh site to search consoles?
cause they're newbies and unknowing. And you can't blame them for that. Even experienced and good SEOers can only guess at best how google works, the inexperienced SEOers don't have this luxury. So they can't be blamed
Some of my sites are deindexed in bing, they are not Black hat or anything, what can be the reason?
Adding a BH site to search consoles is like putting a shadow under the light. What happens next is obvious.
For bh sites they have not been added for a long time. I just look at the visits.
Think twice before adding BH sites to search consoles? I've never thought about it once - ah well, lesson learned, keep pushing forward!

Bing and Yahoo are on the same index and Google have no interest in helping them. You just got slapped by a Yahoo/Bing update. /Thread.
It has nothing to do with webmaster tools -_-

Webmaster tools are something like "hey there, here is a proof that I am the real owner of the site, so share me any information you know about it, whether you like it or not, and if you need me to change anything in it"

So, you are not sharing any information with them, they are the one who are sharing their information with you.
i had websites ranking #1 on G for similar kw's in that niche.

last year google de-indexed it. traffic and revenue down 99%.

i never added to GSC / GA. i created it after the fact, to contest the de-index. denied: spam/fake content.

they're just shutting down on that kind of niche/kw.

you wont find many ranking on G at all now (compared to how they used to). now its fake chrome extensions and other tricks.

consider yourself lucky to have been on the serps for that KW for that long

as for if its related: i found a few threads spanning back past 10 years of history on the forum talking about it. consensus is 50/50. but it seems obvious to me they do care. if you are doing anything BH. don't link it together. these tools say they just do analytics or search console. but you can bet behind the scenes they gathering all your metadata and seeing how to link you to other web properties. just remember G removed 'don't be evil" as their anthem. tracking you is their modus operandi.
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Some of my sites are deindexed in bing, they are not Black hat or anything, what can be the reason?
in google search console there is a tab that shows you the reason & you get chance to refute it. look/search for such a thing on bing webmaster.
in google search console there is a tab that shows you the reason & you get chance to refute it. look/search for such a thing on bing webmaster.
Surprisingly BING is apparently less transparent than Google about such issues. No warning or messages regarding that deindexing incident.
You should be aware that bing decided to deindex plenty of websites out of nowhere since a couple of months,
This did happen to a legit website of mine with no shady links or content (been reported here a few times),
Reporting the problem to their support should solve the problem
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You should be aware that bing decided to deindex plenty of websites out of nowhere since a couple of months,
This did happen to a legit website of mine with no shady links or content (been reported here a few times),
Reporting the problem to their support should solve the problem
Will give that a shot. Thank you
in google search console there is a tab that shows you the reason & you get chance to refute it. look/search for such a thing on bing webmaster.
They are good in google, only not indexed in bing.