Hi, I read a bunch about blog commenting and tried to do it a little bit over the past 5 months.
1st "way": I did a search on Google with a query:
<my keyword> +comment -"You must be logged in" -"comments off" -"please sign in" +"You may use these HTML tags"
From this way I recorded in my Excel 74 comments that I made and from these 74 naturally not all were approved, maybe half and from those only 5 appeared recognised in the Google Webmaster Tools. So a "success" rate of only 6.5%. :dunno:
2nd "way" I did I joined disqus commenting platform and there, out of 59, and although approval rate is almost 100% by nature, 0 appeared recognised in the Google Webmaster Tools. So a "success" rate of 0.0%. :lame:
Could you tell me what am I doing wrong? How can I increase my success rate so I can get some links for my website?
Thank you very much! :help:
1st "way": I did a search on Google with a query:
<my keyword> +comment -"You must be logged in" -"comments off" -"please sign in" +"You may use these HTML tags"
From this way I recorded in my Excel 74 comments that I made and from these 74 naturally not all were approved, maybe half and from those only 5 appeared recognised in the Google Webmaster Tools. So a "success" rate of only 6.5%. :dunno:
2nd "way" I did I joined disqus commenting platform and there, out of 59, and although approval rate is almost 100% by nature, 0 appeared recognised in the Google Webmaster Tools. So a "success" rate of 0.0%. :lame:
Could you tell me what am I doing wrong? How can I increase my success rate so I can get some links for my website?
Thank you very much! :help: