The Right Way of Setting Up Expired Domains


Regular Member
Feb 20, 2018
Reaction score

I constantly seem to get mixed results with expired domains. Its kind of getting annoying, so I would like to clear this up and see some other opinions/results.

Register expired domain for PBN:

Option #1: Go to Wayback machine and old content on domain - Juice looks to be kept

Option #2: Simply place new content on site - Seems to either not index or takes a really long time. Sites are not penalized yet shows nothing with site: and info: after 3 weeks. I have sent social signals and some links to them, still not showing. Input?

Option #3: Place old content from Wayback machine and then simply add new content to site. New content has zero relevancy to old content. - Seems to work so-so but need more time to test.

I am in the process of trying all 3 for 301's. #1 works but having trouble with #2 and #3. Obviously #1 has the least effect on rankings compared to #2 and #3 :S

Thoughts anyone?
with #2 when you say "a few" links how many is that ? try sending a few thousand (various link types).
for #3 well if its completely unrelated you will have links with unrelated anchors that arent found on your page, so try to add additional links with the anchor that fits the content on your site.
if you have more related links, then those old (unrelated) links can work to give some juice.
of course using #1 is easiest as you just re-create the original site so it just seems like a move to SE's.
Thank you for the tips, I will try to add many more links, it seems I was trying with too few of them.
I have also an old domain and Facing Issue with Indexing(Only 4-5 links index).