The RECESSION - Are you affected or know anyone struggling?

Thanks for the post sickofwhitehat. So have you taken more work as an IT consultant or are you working online ful time now?
Sort of full time now with IM.
But juggling IM with my 2 year old son and my wife I hardly see, the IM takes a backseat quite often.

I've given up on the high end IT consultancy stuff. I would rather make a living using the skills that I have to assist home users with their problems. I will NEVER go back to the stress and strain of working with a shirt and tie on, talking to idiot "managers" who act like they know more than you, won't let you do your job without justifying your work to them.

I was never one for taking orders, I'm happy with IM, apart from a select few, online marketers are such a unique and friendly group and I'm happier with what I do now than I ever was in IT.

Ok I'm skint, but at least I'm not stressing my box every minute of the day :)

Sort of full time now with IM.
But juggling IM with my 2 year old son and my wife I hardly see, the IM takes a backseat quite often.

I've given up on the high end IT consultancy stuff. I would rather make a living using the skills that I have to assist home users with their problems. I will NEVER go back to the stress and strain of working with a shirt and tie on, talking to idiot "managers" who act like they know more than you, won't let you do your job without justifying your work to them.

I was never one for taking orders, I'm happy with IM, apart from a select few, online marketers are such a unique and friendly group and I'm happier with what I do now than I ever was in IT.

Ok I'm skint, but at least I'm not stressing my box every minute of the day :)


Hey man. I read your post and I really related to it and have some strange parallels with you. 2 year old kid, burned a ton of money with adwords, got banned about a year ago, went through a lot of crap to find the gold, found success and I'm comfortable now. Working on building my business bigger and it's expanding really fast.

Thanks for your post. Hearing stories like that make IM seem like less of lonely place.
I'm a little pissed at obama. By getting his healthcare thing implemented teachers will have to pay for their health insurance. Also he made it so tenure doesn't count and teachers get fired by performance (I'm all for this part). However, it has really affected my family because we sell books to teachers and now they can't afford anything or they got pink slipped. Now who wants to see a grown man cry, well not that bad.
It's so funny in a strange way. So many people have stopped trying that some of my friends are having record years just because they haven't given up.
It's so funny in a strange way. So many people have stopped trying that some of my friends are having record years just because they haven't given up.

That's just it too. The people who aren't willing to tough it out through the "Obama years" will fail. In business you have your good times and your bad times. We just have to learn how to make the best of the bad times right now.

I'm not personally affected, but I have friends and family who have been laid off and are out of work.
It's not just the recession. The internet is also putting many people out of business,
mainly middlemen. You can do more things online, and people can shop against you
for a better price.

I just lost a deal today because someone offered the client a better rate. Before the internet, it was very difficult for people to shop against you.
Also he made it so tenure doesn't count and teachers get fired by performance (I'm all for this part).

As someone who recently graduated from the public school system, I do not understand how someone could be for this. I have seen firsthand that stuff like this forces teachers to teach purely to make students do good on standardized tests, focus on the lowest students in the class, and severely dumb down the class and make it where anybody who even occasionally shows up to class can pass...I saw it every day I was in high school.

I think it'd be pretty hard to come up with a system that grades a teacher's true's once of those things that you'll have to adequately know how that teacher actually teaches. It is not at all cut and dry.

My physics teacher was very fast, usually boring but sometimes funny, piled on tons of work, and I barely passed it and hated it...but I think he's a great teacher. Why? Because those that actually wanted to learn that stuff and dedicated their time to it learned a lot from a teacher that knew what he was talking about. You can't just look at numbers to tell if a teacher is good or not.

It's all about dumbing down the public school system.

Sorry about the rant...public education and people's view on it just pisses me off.
On the subject of teachers...

A lot of teachers don't care. But then again, a lot of parents don't care either.

In the mid 90s, '60 Minutes' did a segment showing how two schools attempted to improve their students' grades. One school bought computers; the other school printed up a 'contract' that asked parents to make sure their kids did their homework.

See if you can figure out which school saw an improvement in grades. :D

When they tried the 'homework contract' approach at another school, most of the parents wouldn't sign the paper. It seems they were 'too busy' to make sure their kids did their homework.
I think the big problem with micro managing education is the fact that we are micro managing education. Some things in life just can't be managed this way. Plus, when you have idiots doing the managing it doesn't help.