The RECESSION - Are you affected or know anyone struggling?

The recession is hurting all of us in one way or another, my offline friends and family especially. What we have to say to ourselves as Internet Marketers is - what service, product, offer can we get out to the masses that offers value to the people struggling in this recession. If you can do that successfully you won't be personally feeling the sting from it as bad.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Capitalism doesn't work unless someone loses.

Everything is going to get a lot worse. Commercial real estate and municipal bonds are going to need a 'bail out' that will dwarf the residential housing crash of two years ago.

Today California can't pay it's bills and is writing IOU's. The Federal government is monetizing it's own debt like some third world, banana republic. Forty one million people on food stamps and on and on.

As for the dollar, it's lost 97% of it's value since Nixon took American off the gold standard in 72.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Capitalism doesn't work unless someone loses.

Everything is going to get a lot worse. Commercial real estate and municipal bonds are going to need a 'bail out' that will dwarf the residential housing crash of two years ago.

Today California can't pay it's bills and is writing IOU's. The Federal government is monetizing it's own debt like some third world, banana republic. Forty one million people on food stamps and on and on.

As for the dollar, it's lost 97% of it's value since Nixon took American off the gold standard in 72.

i never lost money it just gets transferred to someone else's pocket (prolly the gov't) lol
was it like, a lot easier to make money online before the recession? :O

Hell yes it was. But to be honest I like it like this. It has sent much of the competition in many niches running for the "safer" havens of CPA, the IM niche, etc.

While those can be lucrative, EVERYONE is going after those models. I prefer to lurk on the roads less traveled by other marketers.
There is going to be a collapse like nothing before. As said before, the USD is super inflated. At one time the USD had nothing to fear because it was the world reserve currency. Nations had to have USDs to settle international trades - especially oil. The USD has lost that reserve status. Right now countries are hell bent on getting out of the USD. China has a huge reserve of USDs in its banks. They have determined that to break even they need to buy commodities with it ASAP. And the biggest commodity they search for is land in the US. Father is not making land anymore, you know.

At one point the US had plans to jump to a new Amero Currency. Now I think that plan has been scrapped for a new world currency. Whatever they turn to it will still be valueless currency based on credit. It took less that 100 years for the USD to fail. Any currency they turn to will fail similarly.

It is a telling tale indeed to see central banks and their owners buying gold or gold coin.

I do not know about the time frame being the end of this year. I would say more likely the sell off of USDs by central banks will go into 2011 before its final crash. My suggestion, buy gold or silver. They are a store of value.
I own a drive in cinema when i'm not doing this and it is recession proof - the people you lose because they can't afford it get replaced by more people who can't afford more expensive nights out - my business actually booms in a recession.

yea what were the initial costs to get that going? profitable?
I think it's hard to notice unless your actually one of the unlucky ones who faces the issues. I know people who live just fine and unaffected, then I know people who struggle to find a job, lost their house, etc.

Once you discover IM and it's opportunities, it's very hard to be okay with slaving away at some low paying job.

Got that right. I can't even imagine working under someone else now. It makes my skin crawl to consider the possibility.
I'm scraping by but half the team at my full time job got laid off and it's taking a while to find something.
Recession= mega opportunities for non-victims

how? only 20% of the US money is passed around to regular people in society plus the 80% more is in financial banks so how are you going to EARN unless you take a bite of the 20% that the people control? hah there's not much to collect believe me haha unless you plan on taking over china and Europe :p

For every $1 USD in ur pocket isn't it worth like .085 cents or something like othat? I'm not sure but i'm pretty sure in the USA mega opportunities doesn't exist more like mediocre opportunities lol
I think it's hard to notice unless your actually one of the unlucky ones who faces the issues. I know people who live just fine and unaffected, then I know people who struggle to find a job, lost their house, etc.

Once you discover IM and it's opportunities, it's very hard to be okay with slaving away at some low paying job.

Yeah, I agree with that for the most part. However, it does still effect everyone on some basic level, as it is a reason, true or not as a real ' resession ', to raise their prices on consumer goods as a ' sign of the times '
, as well as due to a much MUCH smaller margin of fact remaining that people get scared and hang on to their spending cash that would normally fuel the profit streams of these companies.

It is hard for those that have lost their jobs due to their bosses and stockholder's bad investment choices. It is also hard on those that we know have lost their homes not due to lack of payment but due to the mortgage lender or bank that backed them drying up.

The main thing that I've experienced directly in my business is an upscale in sales with a major shift on what people are buying right now. It went from consumer luxury products, to buying used, second hand, auction and off-brand stuff. Tightening their belts out of fear is fine, as it actually pushed the market to go for product options they haven't tried before that are actually better than the older, more commercial based high-end stuff that does the same thing with less effectiveness.

Keep in mind that people haven't STOPPED spending their money...they have just changed what they are spending it on and the impact it has on their bottom line.

The fear will pass with this coming holiday season, as the BP thing is clearing up, the stocks are still shakey but will become more stable as companies expand and push for the holiday season in new directions..won't go way back up however, will settle in...always does.

Just keep a tight eye on your markets and your trends for the purpose of seeing what people are into at the moment, as trends tend to weed out as people are affraid to spend. It will reveal the new markets openning up and the standards that are still hanging in there, adapting and overcoming to meet the needs/wants/interests of the clients, which is what we ALWAYS do, resession or not.
yea what were the initial costs to get that going? profitable?

it's been there since the 50's so no setup costs really. about 10K maybe. as for profits, it has allowed me to relearn IM and take a year to set myself up without worrying about earning instantly.

It only runs fri and sat night and maybe pays 2/3 of what I'd earn working for the man full time.

You could set up one from scratch for about 40-50K (not including land)
I was given a medical discharge from the military just as this mess was comming to light. My Mother ask me who I was voting for and if I was worried about finding a job. I showed her my business class ticket to the Philippines and said "here is my ballot". My longest stretch of unemployment was two weeks.

There is a huge unemployment problem here in the Philippines. It is their own fault for two reasons that I have seen.

1) They expect the job to come and offer itself. No one is going to knock on your door to offer you a job. Wake up!

2) Employers have seriously suffered from Academic Inflation. I have actually seen hlp wanted signs at Pizza Hut for entry level positions "2 year degree minimum required" HAHAHAHA, to write down an order or wash dishes? Give me a break! Wake up!

What did I do? I went to interviews where I had nothing they were asking for and got hired because I am determined and I have a track record of making it happen.

As far as IM? Clicks are down and now I don't sell what people think they need anymore. I sell nothing and people pay me well for it. Selling nothing seems easier to me and has a great profit. Sorry, not giving away the product but it is just afect.
I see it in the street everyday. No one is spending money, the stores are full of customers looking but not buying. Man AM SO GLAD I don't have a store, or stock or staff. I know a guy who sells motorcycles and he says he knows it is bad because everyone is selling the bikes back to him for a loss. No one can afford the toys any more.
Whilst I do not want to be a scaremonger, but after desperate economic times, does the leading western world not start wars etc... and this somehow gets the country back on its feet?
we will be in mid june 2012 in 666 days from now.....
good time to start a world war????
hope not, but will we all be worried about the price of gold, silver etc then???
me thinks not so concerned as we are now..... and besides, I recall a video of Frank Kern where he stated - in response to the questions in 2009, where had all the money gone? - categorically stated that it was not the case where someone had hidden it all in the Grand Canyon, so I guest it is still circulating, even if it worth a lot less nowadays.

I am NOT wishing to be pessimistic, but realism sometimes needs to be considered.

just my 2 cents
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I am focusing on the good and plenty not the "little and shitty". Rightnow me and my family have everything we need. Today is a good day, and you can see the fear in the faces around us. If you have the balls it is agood time to prosper.
Booms and recessions are coming and going. They are part of the system anyway.
I dont think that buying gold is the answer to be honest since (as already mentioned ) the current prices are higher.

You can buy land though or houses etc.
awesome info! i found my niche and i love it! you guys inspired me! hopefully the money will come!:)
Painful subject but sometimes it is good to reflect on things that have happened since the start of this recession.

It has been both my worst nightmare and a hidden opportunity at the same time.

I used to work with one of the biggest IT consultancy firms in the UK as a Microsoft consultant.

Money was great, had a SAAB 9-3 which I adored, had enough expendible income to treat my wife and I to some of the good things in life.

I had moved up the career ladder from bottom rung to qualified consultant in less than 12 years.


Due to our main customers being the blue chips (RBS, HBOS, HSBC etc), their first budget cuts were in the arena of .....IT.

So our contracts were terminated and this led to my employer handing out redundancies, and guess what...I was part of the first wave to go.

Couldn't have timed it better if they tried. I was laid off 2 days before my wife's due date for giving birth to my first child, my son.

So I hit the internet and like many MANY others, typed in those infamous words into Google.

make money online.

Talk about opening the floodgates to an entirely new dimension. This was like an underworld internet. Unfamiliar terms, squeeze pages, giveways...everyone claiming to know how to make me a fortune overnight - and like the nieve IM'er DONK, i fell for all of it.

I took my time, but decided to buy my first "make money" product, profit lance as it seemed to be the most honest and the best product out there at the time.

Learned some basics from this, but it wasn't enough to keep me hooked.
So I did some more research and bought MMM. Read the "blueprints" and tried implementing a few of them with some of my savings money.

In the space of a week...

I joined and was subsequently banned from adsense
I joined and was subsequently banned from adwords
I joined and was subsequently banned from adbrite
Had spent about $750 on adwords and had ZERO sales

Oh dear.

A year on and more "mature" with the whole concept of IM I no longer jump from one thing to another (for any newbies reading this, shiny things are one of the worst problems trying to make money online, don't buy every product...Stick with ONE and KEEP with it until you're making money from it.

So am I now in a comfortable position?

Not yet, But I WILL be. I'm making real progress within my chosen niche every day that goes by (plus the other IT services I market that are of use to the IM niche)

I maybe typed more here than I meant to, but hopefully it explains WHY i think that the recession has been the worst thing and one of the best things to happen to me.

The journey continues.....
