The Only Way To Make Money Online: The Method (10K Daily)

Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score

I've been marketing for a long time now and I have some advice to everyone on this forum. This method is bulletproof and will never fail. It has been tested many times and proven to work.

You must read this all and truly understand to start making money online.

The Method:

Read through this forum along with tons of your creative ideas. Put them to work. You will NEVER make any money unless you try things.

It's OK to fail or make mistakes. It will only make you stronger. Believe me.

Whatever you do, don't ever give up.

This forum is great and you just need to apply the methods. Many of my methods were self taught but I get ideas and tips from many forums such as BHW but the only reason I make so much money online is because I

Stopped Watching Opportunity Slip Me By and I Grabbed It By It's Throat And Applied It. If It Didn't Work, I Tried Something Else.

Things will click. Just believe in yourself. I live the dream and will always thank my will to keep on trying for it. I believe in all of you guys. Good luck and I hope to hear many success stories very soon :)


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Can't say much about the method/advice, but I like the OP's avatar.
Man I'm really starting to think BHW should open up an "Inspirational Posts" Section.

... or maybe a "look at me, I'm boasting how much I make" section?
lmao pofecker on avatar

I'm not boasting. Just inspiring and offering advice. Trying to be helpful (what this forum is about). I've been getting tons of PMs on how to make money but really the best advice is

"Don't Give Up. Rinse and Repeat. Outsource"
this should be in black hat lounge section until they create a, "inspirational posts section"
I appreciate the sentiment but that's some useless *method* dude.

Besides, your title is misleading.
I check almost every thread on BHW just for pure curiosity.

The best methods for making money will never be shared for one good reason..

A: Some retard is going to sell it as an E-Book
B: The masses will catch it and in no time, it's going to be much harder to profit off of.

Sorry but that is how making money works.. sure there is general information/methods available to the masses that still makes money and still works, but when it comes to the big money and the real valuable shit, it's kept from the public for very good reasons.

People are sheep.. people need to be put on a leash and told what to do by someone who knows what they're talking about or they'll run around aimlessly not knowing what to do.. it's sad to say but true.. people need to be spoon fed or they will starve to death, simply because people are getting lazier each generation.

I do agree the inspirational post kind of thing is kind of over played.. it's about 99% of the posts you see on WarriorForum.. of course I doubt anyone there is making over a factory worker's salary so that's all they can give advice on.. "never give up".
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Although I am just started, I already realize that what you suggest is true.

The problem is, when you stumble upon a forum as big as this one (and this is not the only interesting forum around) you start plannin, calculating... and eventually you loose yourself in a 'paralysis by analysis' phase.

Anyway, thank you for the insight ;)
Just the recent recommendation that the Title should reflect the actual content...

I did not learn ANY methods to make money, nor did I find the $10K (Daily) plan?

If you want to pump people up - Fine, but say so... Don't tell me you are going to show me and teach me something and then do neither -

If you were making this type of income, you would have much better 'advice' to give others... Some of us are actually trying to learn some more - because we will put it to use.
Op Thread in 1 sentence for those of us to lazy to read through all that.
Take action...and i make more then you...

On a more serious note. Whats up with the grammar?

God I hate you. In every post you do, you find something to comment about. Why the f**k don't you just read->apply->cash out->shut up

Are you by the way some grammar teacher that is offended so much ?