The magic PBN myth... (the turd diet)


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2011
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It seems like every time I hop onto BHW I read some thread about PBNs asking how many it takes to rank XYZ, or some comment saying that a private PBN is the magic solution to ranking.

But you know what I never hear. Anybody talking about the QUALITY of the actual websites. People around here seem amazed that I don't have a problem with public PBNs compared to private PBNs. Let me illustrate a quick fact... 99.99999% of every "PBN" ever built looks like complete shit, has shit content (by real website standards), is from a shitty template, and is organized like shit. In order to create a "PBN" (a term that I hate because not all PBN's are trying to look like actual blogs) that is not complete shit you'd need to pay a LOT of attention to detail. Essentially build it like a money site. And guess what... that costs money. A lot of money. And it takes time. A lot of time.

If you build your self a "private" PBN and don't built each and every site like a money site than you're still eating a turd... An exclusive turd that you made yourself that you aren't letting anybody else nibble on. Just because its private won't make it pass a manual G review. Just because its private won't make the articles on it not shit. Just because its private doesn't make its template any less overused. These seems to be a rumor going around here that you can build a GOOD network of 5 sites yourself for something like $275. And I'm here to tell you thats crap. You either build a website the right way or you don't. At the end of the day I don't care if a link if from a public/private/authority sites or whatever, all I care about if if the outlinking site is a legit quality site. And if you need more/cheaper links than that then why not go public?

Food for thought.

I have given up on PBN. Too much work and too much to risk if found out.

There is nothing like a quality link from authority sites and you can get some of them here for amazingly cheap.

Working smarter is the answer always, not harder.

Got me a web 2.0 pbn, growing strong and dont have to worry about hosting.

If one gets deleted oh well, I can find 5+ web 2.0s with 15+ CF TF in a few hours
I disagree with you completely. As someone with several hundred PBN blogs in his portfolio, let me tell you that once you get the touch is really doesn't take more than 30 minutes to an hour to build a very legit looking website. Ever heard of Will it have 300 pages and 1000 internal links? Hell no, but 90% of the legit sites are crappy 10 pagers as well. As long as you make it look like a legit microsite you're g2g.

Sorry, but you really have no clue what you're talking about regarding building solid PBN's. For christ sake, go to and check 10 of them in and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I've seen enough so-called private PBNs in my day to know that virtually none of them would pass a manual Google review if their life depended on it.
I've seen enough so-called private PBNs in my day to know that virtually none of them would pass a manual Google review if their life depended on it.

Which is why it's a shitty PBN. 99.999% of the PBN's out there are indeed shit because they weren't built to last but built to make a quick buck. I've been saying or years how publicly advertised and sold services using a PBN will not pass the bar and will eventually be deindexed. Those same people telling me I was crazy then end up posting about how their rankings plummeted and how they can't believe the PBN's got outed.

True private and high quality PBN's do exist, but they aren't cheap and you will not find them on the forums. Start networking and start going to IM conventions and events. You will eventually find some. The one I use I've used for close to 3 years, maybe even longer and they've never had a deindexed site. The owner of the PBN uses it for his own means and is only allowing spots to a few people he knows and trusts.
Got me a web 2.0 pbn, growing strong and dont have to worry about hosting.

If one gets deleted oh well, I can find 5+ web 2.0s with 15+ CF TF in a few hours

How good is your web 2.0 pbn working compared to actual domain made sites on own domain and hosting ? just wondering
People lost sight on quality and now rather go for quantity instead. They wonder why throwing up a site and placing adsense on it won't bring them money each month or rather they start up ebay accounts in order to sell, and fail because they don't understand its not about being cheaper than the other person but rather smarter.
The worst fallout of this IMO is that there are people out there dumb enough to be building "private" PBNs for just themselves, yet still building them like cheap quick crap. They THINK that private always means good, when the truth is that you can have a wordpress templated garbage private site that does just as little as the cheapest public one.

A good site will cost hundreds in hand written articles alone. This is what web2.0 users took so long to realize a couple years ago. Content is important... and expensive. But with a PBN you need to worry about footprints. And a common wordpress template won't get the milage out of those expensive articles. Flat out SEO is becoming more expensive as time goes on. The plain truth.
Pointless thread.
What you don't understand is there are 2 strategies to PBN.

Churn Burn PBN = cheaper, easier, quicker to setup (more risk)

Long term PBN = expensive, difficult, longer to setup (less risk)

Both strategies work and like they say more than 1 way to skin a cat.
Since it has been easier and easier to get your fingers in good expired domains, then all the BST's selling domains don't make that much money any longer and now they build cheap PBN's to get their fingers on the fast money.

That's the game... Personally I try some services and start rebuilding them if they seem to work and keep quiet. BHW is a awesome source to try and play and build your own SEO entities.
I think this is one of the most interesting threads in a long time, because it describes a popular misconception: Many people think blackhat is about automation, but the times when auto generated crap worked really well, no matter if links or content, are over. The "invest $200, press button, get rich" idea is tempting, but at the end of the day real money is made with real work. No pain, no gain.
its all about footprint management. google bots don't give one giraffes pussy about how a website "looks". "ZOMG do dis look like a real website" is not a factor i consider when setting up a blog and I've never had a problem with manual reviews.
I've never thought setting one up was that difficult or an issue. The benefits are great. Once you know
how to do it and pass manual checks it all comes down to scaling and ranking. :)
I've never thought setting one up was that difficult or an issue. The benefits are great. Once you know
how to do it and pass manual checks it all comes down to scaling and ranking. :)

What would be your top 5 tips to pass a manual review? :)
I disagree with you completely. As someone with several hundred PBN blogs in his portfolio, let me tell you that once you get the touch is really doesn't take more than 30 minutes to an hour to build a very legit looking website. Ever heard of Will it have 300 pages and 1000 internal links? Hell no, but 90% of the legit sites are crappy 10 pagers as well. As long as you make it look like a legit microsite you're g2g.

Sorry, but you really have no clue what you're talking about regarding building solid PBN's. For christ sake, go to and check 10 of them in and you'll see what I'm talking about.

So if you're copying sites, are you worried about copyright infringement? Do you host overseas or something like that to get around potential lawsuits?
Resurrecting old sites was really big a couple years ago. People were using the wayback machine and rebuilding sites and then dropping a link in. Problem is that no longer tricks Google the way it did. I'm not sure the exact reason why, but this is the first time I've heard of it being used in at least a year. Frankly once the domain is dropped/expired the site is burned in my mind, especially since Google is now in the domain business.
Pointless thread.
What you don't understand is there are 2 strategies to PBN.

Churn Burn PBN = cheaper, easier, quicker to setup (more risk)

Long term PBN = expensive, difficult, longer to setup (less risk)

Both strategies work and like they say more than 1 way to skin a cat.

Truth. Like homeboy said different strokes for different folks.

To say one strategy is superior to the other is ridiculous.

You can make a lot of money with a quality PBN. You can also make a lot of money with a crappy PBN if you have the numbers.

It's like debating White Hat or Black Hat SEO. You can make money in either one, it's just a matter of preference.
Truth. Like homeboy said different strokes for different folks.

To say one strategy is superior to the other is ridiculous.

You can make a lot of money with a quality PBN. You can also make a lot of money with a crappy PBN if you have the numbers.

It's like debating White Hat or Black Hat SEO. You can make money in either one, it's just a matter of preference.

Absolutely. I run a business with an average PBN at best from dropped domains, what individual domains lack in strength I make up for in numbers. I see it this way, I could spend $1000 on one domain, would it get the job done? Maybe, who knows, it depends on a lot of factors. What I do know though is that if 10 comparatively weak/average domains don't do the trick, 20 might, 30 is more likely to...and all for a fraction of the price.

"The strength of many and the power of one."
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I tottally agree with you. There were so many people who screamed that their PBN was deindexed in the end of 2014, however, most of these PBN websites looked like complete shit. Personally, I prefer to have less HQ PBN websites than owning hundreds of them.