The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . . Is Now Officially Broke

He could've just sent me his money. This would've cost him a few days or weeks max. and not decades. Tzzz *Shakes head uncomprehendingly*
Good for him but he better leave some money to his sons/granchildrens
He still has 2 million dollars for him and wife set aside in 2012
he could asked for my bank account i would help him[thread_id]=1265453&hash=9ff63304f848356268ebcc5f9c9f8fe7
What a shame, he could've made the world a better place by creating jobs or contributing in medical research ..etc not by giving it to charities
He is one in a Billion...
Now he can die peacefully even after going broke. :)
Life has to be something like this when you feel its time to give back something to the world...
(Ultimate goal)
What a shame, he could've made the world a better place by creating jobs or contributing in medical research ..etc not by giving it to charities
that's exactly what he did! You can check who got grant money from the non-profit.

@javabro what you think about this?
I didn't want to be the richest man in the Graveyard

- Steve Jobs
Wow if any of you millionaires are thinking of going bankrupt to experience happiness I’ll share my btc address :D I can’t even think what I’ll do without money everything is so expensive
How can I read so many members that were willing to receive part of that money? Is this Beggar Hat World? :confused:
Waiting for e-mail -

"Hi, I'm Chuck Feeney,
I've donated all my life savings to charity and chose you to donate the remaining 1 Billion to the poor and needy. If you're interested, please respond to this mail and I'll take care of all arrangements."
"that feeling when you give it away expecting nothing", he just took it to legendary levels
Beautiful.... the man who knows the Creator.
How can I read so many members that were willing to receive part of that money? Is this Beggar Hat World? :confused:
The earlier you stop taking somethings too seriously, the better for you.