The best Tool to Schedule Posts on Facebook

Dear I know to use AI and chatgdp but I am looking for answers from human beings based on their experience in using these applications.
Yes, i am sorry, I will pay attention
A lot depends on what someone is looking for. Do they care about scheduling classic posts or scheduling carousel posts?
Not many people know that you can post many different post formats on Facebook with many different CTA buttons.
I recommend SoMe Planner because it has the ability to schedule carousels, posts with a link and any graphics, and canvas posts (instant experience). In addition, it analyzes and suggests at what times to publish.
It may not be very popular, but it works great and is inexpensive.
Actually, no one uses a tool to set a schedule, so it means there is no tool bro. Now posting on FB will not be fixed and accurate, usually it will be posted earlier or later, many days I set up a camp but it always goes up early and I lose money
What is the best Tool to Schedule Posts on Facebook that have feature to schedule bulk posts (images) and does the schedule method affect the reduction organic reach or not ?
Hi Friends,
What is the best Tool to Schedule Posts on Facebook that have feature to schedule bulk posts (images) and does the schedule method affect the reduction organic reach or not ?

Thank you.
any platform where you use a tool to post in bulk is risky for engagement, it won't be as effective as posting slowly, and the reach of those posts will also be virtual and uncertain.
I think you should do it manually instead of using a tool because Facebook's AI can detect your abnormality at any time and will process all your accounts. At that time, all your efforts will be ruined.