The 10 Foundations Of Instagram Account Creation


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2016
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Instagram account creation can be a tricky task. Fortunately for you, we have summed up a list of 10 things that you need to take into account when creating accounts on the popular social media, Instagram. Note that the Instagram algorithm is extremely complicated, secret, and ever-changing, meaning that the following tips listed might not be applicable in a year or two. No one other than their developer team knows.

1. Proxy Quality (boring)

This is the first, and most important part of successfully creating accounts. Proxies are needed to mask IP addresses. You usually use one or two Instagram accounts per proxy, so that Instagram thinks that the account/s belong to 1 home connection. When registering accounts, you need quality proxies that other marketers haven’t already used, or that Instagram hasn’t yet flagged. In 2019, the most popular type of proxies are called “4G proxies”. They are basically private proxies that belong to SIM cards.

2. Proxy Location & Email Provider

The proxy location must match the email provider. Gmail accounts are worldwide. People use them in most countries. However, accounts are specifically designed for Russian people. So, if the email you’re registering with is a, and the proxy you’re using comes from Ghana, there is a high chance that Instagram will detect that. Research what proxies and what emails you are using before you do anything. If you want to use fake emails, stick to popular/worlwide services such as gmail, yahoo, or

3. Add Email After Creation

This is the best option if you have a limited supply of email addresses. Let me explain. When registering an account, and submitting the form, if you get the following message:

“Sorry, something went wrong creating your account. Please try again soon.”

It means that Instagram has denied you access. However, what most people don’t know, is that they blacklist that email address, so you cannot use it to create more accounts. What is best, is to use a fake email address for signup, and then edit your real email address in when you get to the “edit profile” page on Instagram.

4. Name Consistency

This is a small tip, but it can improve account creation success rates highly.


In this example, the email, the full name, and the username all have the name “Quentin” in it. Instagram recognizes this and therefore is more likely to let your account be registered. However, if your Email is “[email protected]”, your full name is “Dave Chappel”, and your username is “Oliver Green”, there is not a lot of consistency to the form, which in terms can affect your account creation.

5. NEVER Paste Information

Instagram can nowadays check whether you’re typing information in to their form. For this reason, it is always best to type it out slowly and like a normal human being. If you are using an account creator, make sure that the developer has included this feature. Most popular ones in the marketplace already have this implemented.

6. All In Or Nothing

Make sure your browser is not leaving trails, and the account creator you’re using has correct protection from this. Installing chrome extensions for protection from the store won’t work.

7. Devices Matter

Device being registered can affect how long your accounts last. A user agent is a text string similar to this:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36.

Make sure your software has a LARGE (500+) user agent pool, that gets frequently updated, otherwise your success rates might be low.

8. Selenium Is Tricky

If you are developing your own app, make sure you research your options before you dive into selenium. Most websites nowadays can detect you’re using web automation extensions to automate processes such as account creation.


9. API Is Also Tricky

Using the API to register accounts can be a very hard task, and most developers struggle to correctly update their requests. If your account creator claims to use the “API”, stay away. In technical terms, this means using HTTP requests to register accounts. Instagram checks for logging requests. Furthermore, is extremely hard to recreate a browser using HTTP requests.

10. Rest

Rest is important. For you, for me, for everyone and everything. After you’ve created your accounts, make sure you leave them to rest. You might see a phrase getting thrown around a lot in the IM marketing community: “aged accounts”. Why do the accounts need to be rested? Simple, the Instagram algorithm is more likely to give you the OK to perform more activity if your account is old, and it is also less likely to get banned.

Final Words.

Is all I can really say. The Instagram marketing community is a rough environment. People will be rude to you, people will tell you lies, and people will put you down. It is not filled with good people.

If you ever happen to find your own method, software or proxy service that works, run with it, milk it, and most importantly, have fun with it. It is the journey that matters in the end, so enjoy the process, enjoy learning, and the rest will come. Best Of Luck.
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Much basic stuff but i guess it will help many beginners, great guide!
This is actually a pretty good guide. The hard part about it is that there are so many different moving pieces / factors that can set of red flags for Instagram. It would be cool to do a case study with the tips you mentioned and see ban rates verses when you don't follow these steps.
Nice guide! I also recommend avoiding excessive letters and numbers-- Instagram might let these accounts through but then ban them several days later.

I've noticed that Instagram cares a lot about names. Always have the same name in your account name, name field, and email. Try to use common names.
Nice guide! I also recommend avoiding excessive letters and numbers-- Instagram might let these accounts through but then ban them several days later.

I've noticed that Instagram cares a lot about names. Always have the same name in your account name, name field, and email. Try to use common names.

Good advice, never heard of that.

i wish i read this before try these all and learn after many challenges :D thanks!
i want to say thank you !:!! especially for the tip about using temporary email for creation and change it later with a real one , i just tested it and it works, god knows how many emails i lost while trying to create accounts.
Good tips.

I especially agree with the pasting information and names part of it. These are definitely things I have noticed with my experiences on Instagram.
Good tips.

I especially agree with the pasting information and names part of it. These are definitely things I have noticed with my experiences on Instagram.

Glad you liked them. Pasting is one of the basic tips - Instagram catches on pretty quickly.
Bump! Hopefully someone can find this useful :)
Thanks for the share
good info
Bad ass thread!! Amazing informations! Thanks for sharing such a value info!
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