Hey so there are a few ways I have found that you can input your website link in many of these sites and you will be ranked in google pretty fast and on the front page
( your site will not be ranked - but the link to your site will, which will guarantee more traffic )
1. Pinterest
Post 10+ images a day in a Board that you make.
Make sure the Board title is the same as the keyword you are trying to rank for.
This will take a couple of weeks untill you see any good traffic coming from here but it is very decent, and worth the time.
2. Codepen.io
Create a new post on this site, Make the title the same as your keyword.
As this site is very high on google rankings your post will be seen very fast by anybody searching google for your keyword.
3. Bark.com
Create a new Bark and put your link in the bark - same as above.
4. Yours.org
Same again - create a new post with keyword as title - include your link
5. Reddit.com - pretty obvious
6. Idebate.org - same as step 2, 3 and 4
7. Find forums around the internet that are centered around your niche and write helpfull comments with a link to your site at the bottom.
Also join some big Facebook groups and spam your link.
8. Search google for any blogs same as your niche and write a comment on the end of the blog.
Usually these comments are made with Disqus, so one account should be good for numerous blogs.
9. Youtube - find videos same as your niche and write a good comment with a link to your site.
Make sure the video is really popular and try not to spam too hard as this is a sure fire way to have your youtube account banned pretty fast.
(could even use a bot here to like your comments)
10. If you use wordpress - download Yoast SEO plugin for easy seo and rankings
(there is a thread on here where you can download the premium version for free)
Give these a go and you will see your traffic go through the roof.
( your site will not be ranked - but the link to your site will, which will guarantee more traffic )
1. Pinterest
Post 10+ images a day in a Board that you make.
Make sure the Board title is the same as the keyword you are trying to rank for.
This will take a couple of weeks untill you see any good traffic coming from here but it is very decent, and worth the time.
2. Codepen.io
Create a new post on this site, Make the title the same as your keyword.
As this site is very high on google rankings your post will be seen very fast by anybody searching google for your keyword.
3. Bark.com
Create a new Bark and put your link in the bark - same as above.
4. Yours.org
Same again - create a new post with keyword as title - include your link
5. Reddit.com - pretty obvious
6. Idebate.org - same as step 2, 3 and 4
7. Find forums around the internet that are centered around your niche and write helpfull comments with a link to your site at the bottom.
Also join some big Facebook groups and spam your link.
8. Search google for any blogs same as your niche and write a comment on the end of the blog.
Usually these comments are made with Disqus, so one account should be good for numerous blogs.
9. Youtube - find videos same as your niche and write a good comment with a link to your site.
Make sure the video is really popular and try not to spam too hard as this is a sure fire way to have your youtube account banned pretty fast.
(could even use a bot here to like your comments)
10. If you use wordpress - download Yoast SEO plugin for easy seo and rankings
(there is a thread on here where you can download the premium version for free)
Give these a go and you will see your traffic go through the roof.