cool, a physical key you plug into your computer to access your web site. I am definitely going to use this on some key sites if can somehow use it on the back end and keep the front end open to the public-i am not clear on that. I have never felt safe with just having a pw and relying on a hosting company. its not availiable yet, they are doing pre-orders
Easy and secure authentication for the web
Like regular keys protect your car and your home against thieves and burglars, the swekey protects your internet accounts against any kind of piracy.
Any swekey protected web site will never accept to log you in if your swekey is not plugged in your computer.
So even if you password gets disclosed, nobody will be able to access your data without your swekey.
Unlike other authentication devices the swekey is really easy to use. You don't have to type a complicated 10 digits one-time password or even press a button to get authenticated. The swekey has no screen, no buttons, just plug it and any swekey enabled web site will automatically recognize you.
Each swekey is unique and cannot be copied. But if you lose it or it was stolen there is no problem.
You can order a backup swekey, and as soon as you will plug it in, it will seamlessly replace the lost or stolen swekey, making it unusable forever.
Even if you didn't order a backup key, you can revoke a swekey within seconds and order a new one from our web site.
For more information you can read the Faq or directly mail [email protected]
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