Suspicious Referrals across all of my blogs from random affiliate websites


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
I use a wordpress plugin called kstats which is basically a variation of statpress. I've noticed going over my autoblogs that I have a good number of referred traffic from a particular wow gold farming URL.

So I went to the page and it's a squeeze page without a link in sight.. I'm getting traffic that's showing referral from this site frequently still ..

What do you guys think is going on here? Very odd that it's the same site across multiple autoblogs on multiple domains and subdomains.

EDIT: On each of my sites it links to a random blog post.. Always from the same wow gold farm url
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Could be a few things, but most likely that the maker of the plugin integrated some kind of embedded link or trackback to one of their sites. This is pretty common for WP plugins. Do you have kstats installed on all of the autoblogs?
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I do, but I also have a lot of the same plugins installed that I use across all my sites.

I don't think think is a plugin because on each of the blogs all the referred traffic from this wow affiliate site are focused on one page only.. A different one depending on the blog of course.

Maybe the traffic is from a source that is blanking the referrer ? Still seems odd that it's so persistent and from such a random site.