Suspicion/theory of why facebook reach has been destroyed (Goverment )


Jul 10, 2008
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The power of a targeted audience seems more effective than police or politicians . One post with 100% reach can cause flash mobs and riots . It seems to conform to the ever ongoing continuity of government program that has been going on that the potential threat be eliminated . Does this seem plausible to you ?
Oh my god can people shut up about Facebook already!

Your reach is bad because your account sucks and no one likes or shares your content fast enough after you post it. Which is guaranteed because your content is probably rehashed garbage.
I think not only is it plausible, but it's TRUE.

I was reading somewhere the other day that the government's new top secret weapon for manipulating the masses is stopping too many people seeing what inane video or pithy quote their friends are posting.

I believe stage 1 of this plan is reducing the reach of photographs of breakfast / dinner / romantic meals.

The power of a targeted audience seems more effective than police or politicians . One post with 100% reach can cause flash mobs and riots . It seems to conform to the ever ongoing continuity of government program that has been going on that the potential threat be eliminated . Does this seem plausible to you ?