Superior SEO service - lost url - help me find this place again!


Registered Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Alright, so once long ago, I found a killer service through Digital Point forums. I went to the site and signed up as it sounded quite good, and it was!

The site allowed me to put up keywords on a bidding platform. What I basically did was that I put up keywords, or full texts + link to where I wanted the link to point to, and I would get offers from the sites in the network.

It was more a less an Ebay for link services.

Blogs or sites could sign up to this service and promote the sites that wished to have their link included.

The good thing was that all the promoters were listed very neatly and it offered full control for the link/article submitter.

Does anyone know where this could be?
Nice url but not quite. The thing is that I cannot exactly post by "story" to a network and have blogs bidding for reposting it. I want to be able to know exactly whom is bidding for it so that I can analyze if their site is worth it.

And in addition to that, the page in question also offered niche based targeted bid/offers. If I had a page about loans, I could browse lots of blogs about loans and select how many I wanted to repost my post/url's.

Trust me its a goldmine to find this website.
Hmmm, it could have been that one yes. I have to dig a bit further to make sure that it allows me to view the publishers. But the idea behind it seems to be the same. All depends on how much info about the posters I can see.