Struggling - Need a Sales Page for $500 Product


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2008
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I don't get a lot of traffic, but I do get some. Currently, I am only selling 1 out of 50 vistors. I know, it's terrible. My prices and services are much better than the competition. I have been struggling / tweaking for a long time.

Does anyone have this type of experience, or places you could point me to?

Well, at 500 bucks a pop I dont think many would argue that converting 1 out of 50 is really that bad.
maybe some freelance websites ?

maybe some1 here can do that or some1 in DP ?

best of luck for your sales :)
The problem is that it is a niche product and I am only averaging a about 100 visitors per week even with a page rank of 6. I have a lot of backlinks, just no traffic and I can't afford to lose visitors who don't buy.
I don't have any expereience with the freelance websites, are they generally good or just someone trying to rip you off?

Do you know what I should look out for?
I design landing and sales pages. Contact me if you are interested, Would like to talk more about the product and all the information about what you are wanting.

If you are converting 1 in 50, then you might want to think about increasing your traffic.

By my calculations, you are grossing 1K a week on the average, but you have very little traffic, so almost any increase in traffic would seriously increase your bottom line.

The other thing that you might want to think about doing is having something else to offer your visitors after they pass on your initial offer.

If you are not building a list, you might want to start.
You should get other affiliates to do your marketing for you. 50% of 3 sales a day is obviously better than 100% of 1 sale a month.

And even on a $500 price tag, 2% isn't great. You really should be testing multiple landing pages.

How are you getting your trafiic? Can you scale up the number of visitors at all to make your LP testing faster?

Might give that a shot.
These are good points, thanks!

The traffic I get is from the keywords I have blackhat'd to death. One of the problem is that there is a lot of competetion. If the vistors were educated on how much I was giving them a better deal, I believe I would do much better. It's tough, becuase I can't say the wrong thing or a lawsuit could be coming my way.

I like the idea of the affiliates, the problem is that part of my business is having the knowledge and contacts and I am afraid the affiliates would catch on and then I would lose business or at least have another competitor. In this business, knowledge is the key. Maybe if I had them sign a "no compete" agreement this would work. This seems like a very good idea!

I agree, I need more traffic so I can test a new sales page. I thought it would come with the Page Rank and Links. I guess it is coming, just not want I need. I have even thought about buying niche traffic, but I can't seem to find a source. I did PPC for a little while, but I broke even after a few months.

It seems like there a different methods for selling products in varying price ranges. What works for $2 product may not work for a $500 product. Or maybe is does, I don't know. The proble is that I am more engineer than salesman.
My website contains about 50 pages. Most of them are not fully seo'd. I'm thinking I should do some social bookmarking. Has anyone bought the accounts offered on the forum?
Create another product to your $500 product. But make this one MUCH cheaper.

Once you have a bunch of buyers, upsell them through some nice email creative to your $500 product.

This will build yourself some more rep with your visitors, and allow them a little more comfort in separating $500 from themselves.
why dont you try adwords on the keyword you rank low for and if you pay $2 per click which by the way shouldnt be high for top niche position so 50 vistors would cost you $100 and you make a sale of $500...wouldnt that work?
This is a good idea, it seems like I could also try to a few different methods on the individual sales pages. My services are sort of like "ALL" or "nothing". "All" costs $500, "nothing" is free. I will need to find a watered down version of "ALL", to hook them and then upsell.

I'll also work on increasing the traffic to the individual pages so I can test new selling methods.

Thanks again for everyones help, it's Greatly Appreciated!
That's what I initially thought.

I would gladly spend $100 to make $500.

What I didn't realize is that the PPC visitors consisted of:

1. Competetors wearing down my budget
2. People just looking for info, not serious about buying.

I have found that if they search for my type of product, the conversion rate is better and certainly less expensive to obtain.
2% conversion rate. I think it's not bad for a $500 product.

You should try Google Adwords. Though there are people just looking for FREE info, but still it will give you much exposure to serious buyers and generate more sales for you.
Just pump some PPC traffic at it to find out more before doing a complete redesign.
I don't get a lot of traffic, but I do get some. Currently, I am only selling 1 out of 50 vistors. I know, it's terrible. My prices and services are much better than the competition. I have been struggling / tweaking for a long time.

Does anyone have this type of experience, or places you could point me to?


:) Err.... are you more concerned about traffic conversion or traffic generation?

Perhaps for improving conversion, you could try:
a) Doing split testing with your salesletter and/or landing pages
b) Add them to a newsletter list (folks might just not up and give ya $500 the first time they visit your site :) ) and I think someone had already suggested landing pages in another post in this thread.
c) Improve your targeting (e.g. do a JV email campaign with someone who has a list; of preferably buyers, in the same or a related market niche? Or use site targeting on adw0rds instead of search) might help increase conversions.

If it is traffic generation, then there's probably a whole bunch of methods that you can find here to generate traffic. Might be stating the obvious, but you might want to track and analyze the traffic that visit your website?

If I understand it right, you might want to build up a somewhat consistent level of traffic (e.g. 100 or 500 visitors a week consistently) to your website first. Such traffic can then better help you test out your salespage or landing page so you can assess your conversion (which you probably know, even an email opt in can be considered a conversion ;) )

Who did your salesletter? And did you really needed a salesletter like your post title had suggested? ;)

Cheerio :)

:flame: :flame: :flame:​
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I have landing pages, to me they are basically the same becuase their basic prupose is to sell something.
I have landing pages, to me they are basically the same becuase their basic prupose is to sell something.


Err.. so is your landing page also your:

a) salesletter,
b) or is it an email opt-in page,
c) or is it an article or information page
d) some other type of content page ?

:) Cheerio