Strongest (il)legal Nootropics?

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Junior Member
Mar 7, 2012
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Hello guys, so what would be strongest illegal or not, I don't care, Nootropics?
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This is an incredibly stupid way to approach this topic.
Please stick to the point of thread. I also would like to know how nootropics are actually strong? Do you actually feel some difference?
^^^ Lmao.

I have a good legal one. Look up phenibut. It's like legal Xanax. Feels like an opiate high. Good Amazon affiliate product?
Please stick to the point of thread. I also would like to know how nootropics are actually strong? Do you actually feel some difference?

You evidently have little to no experience of dealing with drugs in general, rather evident by the fact that your first question is 'what's the strongest' and then 'do they actually work'.

Yes, they work, some are incredibly strong. Do your research, and don't even think about trying the strongest until you're more experienced.
You evidently have little to no experience of dealing with drugs in general, rather evident by the fact that your first question is 'what's the strongest' and then 'do they actually work'.

Yes, they work, some are incredibly strong. Do your research, and don't even think about trying the strongest until you're more experienced.
That is pretty much truth. What you would suggest me to start with?
That is pretty much truth. What you would suggest me to start with?

Honestly? Caffeine.
It's a hugely underrated legal drug which can be incredibly potent if used correctly - especially if combined with L-Theanine.

Most importantly, do your research. Very few people here on BHW have much experience with actual nootropics, there are better online forums you'll be able to find with far more informed members, and most importantly don't take anything before you've done your own research into it.
Are you looking to get high or boost your brain function ?

Nooptropics are not intended for doseing that alters your immediate awareness. Sound like you just want to get high.
RED PANAX GINSENG 6/12,000mg extract, Algae derived (fresh water) FISH OIL with DHA/EPA. Take that for awhile and you'll out think the best of them ;)

It's important to note that when trying to increase brain function it is important to remember this vital thing. Your diet is the utmost important, the gut supports the brain. That's why I also take healthy dose (live culture) probiotics. All of these things work together and you'll notice that as you research these supplements.
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Iv'e been using Modifinil on and off for about 2 months. I don't use it on a daily basis. But the main reason that I don't use it on a daily basis is because I order the pills online and they take forever to come so I try to ration my supply. I usually take a single 100mg tab if I have a busy day ahead or if I didn't get much rest the prior night.

I have not tried and doubt if I will ever try any other Nootropics. The Modifinil works for what I need it for.
piracetam helps you with concentration and focus. but you must eat healthy, too. if your daily diet is loaded with junk food (grease, sugar, etc.) then the pills won't help you very much.
Back when I had 'tasks' to do each day, if I had 200mg of Modafinil in the morning, my day would literally be twice as productive. However, for creative thinking, I don't seem to get any value from Modafinil, or indeed any nootropics.
There many natural nootropics aswell that have massive health benefits PLUS cognitive benefits

Organic Tumeric, Organic Raw Cacao, Organic Macca, Organic Moringa, Organic Cold pressed Coconut Oil, Ginko Biloba....... just to name a few

Other hardcore Nootropics that Noopept, Oxciracetam, Aniracetam, plenty of other "racetams" out there..but from what I hear Fasoracetam is the Bomb diggity... I'm actually waiting for my first order to arrive so I can try it myself
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