Started about 5 sites, all have dropped traffic at the same time


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2016
Reaction score
I have 5 sites I built about 2 months ago. I've been building links to them, nothing too crazy though. Mostly by hand.

Anyway, they all dropped in traffic by about 50% at the same time. I started them at the same time though. But they are not related, they all have different links I'm building. They are on the same server though.

Is this normal for a new site about that age, to drop off? Is this the sandbox?
Giving myself a lil bump. Just looking for some feedback if I did anything wrong on these sites
There are many issues that can penalized a site and can lead to a drop in traffic. If you could analyze where that dropping comes from it will be very helpful. Even if you have different sites that are not related to each other, if you use a strategy that can lead to a drop in your web traffic it will have the same effect to your other site.

To increase it's traffic, link to authority site, interlinking to other pages of site, build links naturally.
it happens to new site but do check your backlinks and the content if you are using as are they spam free and no negative ones