Start a expired domain directly with a lot of new content?


Power Member
Jun 7, 2019
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Hi guys, i have for a local client a EMD as expired domain, the content before was near 0... .
Now i am near ready with the website , should i direcly start it with 20k words or grow it step by step?
I think you should go slowly, with regular content instead of publishing all in one time and then stop everything...
Your content will be nurtured and you'll get new keywords every weeks.. I think that's the best way to do it if you can convince your client
Grow Slowly. Make a list of topics you are posting. Link them with each other in the most natural way :) Enjoy
20k of content is a decent starting point (it's just 10-20 articles) and then steadily grow.
20k is fine, you can start witht hat and keep growing the site from there.
That's the thing, if you will add new content regularly, you can go.
But if it's a one shot and then nothing, you musntn't mate
Definitely you should start to grow slowly, maybe start with half of articles then post another one every 24-48 hours
I usually start with around 25k words, have done this for hundreds of domains, without any problem.
Are you keep publishing or nothing more ?
These are mostly pbn sites, but there are some main sites also. Some PBN sites - I don't keep publishing. Some PBN sites - I schedule 1 post/month on a random date. On the main sites => I keep publishing of course.
I suggest to grow it slowly and post content regularly. Maintain relevancy in posting content.