Spreading the holiday cheer, giveaway


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
Thought I'd join the holiday giveaway cheer. This will probably save someone some work. Giving away 5 micro niche keywords, at least $1 CPC, 1,000 searches, EMD available, & low competition.

You qualify for this competition if:
1. You plan on buying one of the EMD's in the near future (so it's not wasted)
2. Agree not to let the keywords sit in the corner and collect dust (wasted again)
3. You must believe in santa (JK lolol)

Anyways, just post a quick description on why you should get these keywords. I'll chose & send out either tomorrow night or the following night (depending on how much studying I have left)

Edit, just saw that this is my 69th post. Yeah, so I'll give away an extra keyword just for that :D 6 people will be getting these.
Let me throw some randomness in here. If you don't want to give a reason why you think you deserve the keywords, the 6th one will be a random chance one. Pick a number from 1 to 100. Someone will win it :D

Edit 2: Contest ends wednesday and there will be a total of SEVEN winners. Not five, not six but SEVEN.

Six will win the "why I deserve them" prize and 1 will win the lucky number.
You can enter BOTH contests (lucky number AND "why I deserve them")

Note: I will try my best to find keywords OVER a $1 CPC but be assured, the minimum you will get is a $1CPC. I hopefully plan to find some keywords over $3 - $7 CPC. After I chose the winner, I will assign the keywords to people RANDOMLY to ensure fairness. Enjoy & once again, Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!
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Hey there,

I'd be very interested in one of these EMD's as I have been doing much research as of late and have been looking for a good niche / EMD to be able to further my learning by experience. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me by giving one of these EMDs. I already have my hosting setup and prepared to register the domain straight away using GoDaddy. This will finally push me into _TAKING ACTION_! My partner has also agreed to help write some articles with me so that will ensure that the EMD actually gets put to some good use!

Merry Xmas!
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It would help a lot. I am still learning and keyword research is my weakness right now. By giving me one of he keywords it would get me on the path to a lot more possibilities. Thank you for the opportunity.
Hi, I'm looking for my 2nd niche :) Why not get it from someone with some experience? :) So, If you still have one, I would like it.

Good luck with your studies!
this is a good opportunity for me , as im trying to learn mns and i know keyword researching is a vital part of it. if it is still available count me in pls. this would serve as my first trial of mns.
I'd love one....

I've written to santa every year asking for a EMD with high exacts and CPC, but I think he only speaks Danish and he's a technophobe so i always get carlsberg beer and bacon.

Seriously though, I'm based over i the UK and want a US project to dip my toe in the larger market.

Have time & resource to throw at it.

You guys are going to make it hard to pick :p great reasons so far.
Because i am new to making money and i have been looking for great micro niche keyword for a long time. All of them have big competition (authory sites). I would really appreciate it. (And if you dont choose me then maybe i will be the 6th and i pick number 6)
I'll take one :) couldn't find one myself yesterday lol!
ya i would love to get a good keyword ..i`m planning to create 10 micro sites to earn passive income from adsense.so far i have 3 micro sites and earning a bit
but no more money to buy keywords(12$ for a keyword ) and i suck at finding good keywords , spent so many hours without results lol :(
count me in please...let me practic what i have learn from this forum and see if can earn with the EMD you provided with
Exactly this is the reason I believe in Santa and I love my socks as well :marchmell...Do let me know if I qualify..

You do qualify. Also, just a reminder I might not have said this clear enough in the first post but you can enter in both the "reason" and the random number for two chances to win.
Getting a domain would give me the push to get started and take action. I have a lot of time now since I'm off school, and this would be a great way to get started.

Random number: 69.

First of all thank you for doing this giveaway...it is good to see members like you so generous on BHW!

I have been trying to start a MNS to test what works and what does not. Unfortunately I think that my keyword research is flawed(even though I have read many great starter keyword research posts on here). :( Anyway, I will definately take action, buy the EMD, create good unique content and start to rank. I hope that this will help me learn in a better way what good keyword research looks like and also get me a site that I can work on ranking and start making my first $.

Also, for the number giveaway if this doesn't make the cut: 37


Thank you again!
Update, Contest is still going on. Remember you can still enter the guess the number giveaway. I'm overwhelmed with studying for final exams (scholarship on the line :( ), however the contest will continue and winners will have their keywords sent out by wednesday the latest. I apologize for the delay, however since I have no school wednesday, I will allow ANOTHER winner. That is a total of Seven winners for this giveaway. All of them will be announced and sent their keywords some time on wednesday.