Spotify botting - Can you use free trial accounts


Dec 29, 2020
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When doing spotify botting do you know if you can use bulk premium free trial accounts, I've heard that free trial accounts doess not pay royalties to the artist, is this true?
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When doing spotify botting do you know if you can use bulk premium free trial accounts, I've heard that free trial accounts doess not pay royalties to the artist, is this true?
I would hope not.. as that wouldn't make much sense

But I've yet to receive any kind of major payout for the last few months - getting a bit worried lol
yes free trials won't pay you any royalty So only use accounts that paying already. that's what my clients say,
Free trials pay the same rate as free accounts. Which is around $0.40 per 1,000 plays.
When doing spotify botting do you know if you can use bulk premium free trial accounts, I've heard that free trial accounts doess not pay royalties to the artist, is this true?
They literally payout less for these kinds of accounts until you actually pay for the premium.

No real short cuts in this game you have to be able to put up the money to make the profit.
I would hope not.. as that wouldn't make much sense

But I've yet to receive any kind of major payout for the last few months - getting a bit worried lol
Have you gotten a payout at all and may I ask when did you start?

They take up to 4 months some times to payout, for the first time after that you should be getting payments monthly. If you have been payed out before but it suddenly stopped on a monthly basis you need to check if you artists has been flagged for botting because that is really the only reason that is happening.
Have you gotten a payout at all and may I ask when did you start?

They take up to 4 months some times to payout, for the first time after that you should be getting payments monthly. If you have been payed out before but it suddenly stopped on a monthly basis you need to check if you artists has been flagged for botting because that is really the only reason that is happening.
How do you check if you've been flagged?

Release another album/song and see if they pay again? Because it's been months - I got paid a few hundred dollars the last couple of months, but I thought I was due for THOUSANDS..

I started in late February
How do you check if you've been flagged?

Release another album/song and see if they pay again? Because it's been months - I got paid a few hundred dollars the last couple of months, but I thought I was due for THOUSANDS..

I started in late February
Figuer out how many streams your bots produce per day, I know down to a rounding error of 10 how many plays my bots will produce per day. This is powerful info if plays start to disappear from your account you know why it is happening.

If you are using distrokid you can look at a breakdown of your songs and the payouts for them. If you are using premium bots the payouts will be around .005 pre stream. This will help you figuer out how many streams you may have been taken away from you.

Spotify never tells you out right that they caught you what they do is quietly take away the streams they think you boted, so you have to look at it everyday or write up something to collect the info for you and put it in one place for you.

If I were you I would start a new artists as that one is already being monitored.
Figuer out how many streams your bots produce per day, I know down to a rounding error of 10 how many plays my bots will produce per day. This is powerful info if plays start to disappear from your account you know why it is happening.

If you are using distrokid you can look at a breakdown of your songs and the payouts for them. If you are using premium bots the payouts will be around .005 pre stream. This will help you figuer out how many streams you may have been taken away from you.

Spotify never tells you out right that they caught you what they do is quietly take away the streams they think you boted, so you have to look at it everyday or write up something to collect the info for you and put it in one place for you.

If I were you I would start a new artists as that one is already being monitored.

I actually don't have any plays being removed, I was just under the impression that I would be getting payouts every 2-3 months

Also when the payouts start, they have to gradually build up to where I've been pushing all of the plays right?

For example: I drip-feed plays and build them up over 4 months, and the first payout will only include the first 2 months of "work"?

EDIT: If this is the case... I'm not as worried. I make professional-quality instrumentals with ease and can pump them out if need be... but I'd rather not lol! I still see all of my plays, just expecting a larger payout. Hopefully it's soon.
When doing spotify botting do you know if you can use bulk premium free trial accounts, I've heard that free trial accounts doess not pay royalties to the artist, is this true?
I have Spotify Premium 3month 3$ , 6month 5.5$ , 12month 9$ , lifetime 18$ *upgrade on your account
I actually don't have any plays being removed, I was just under the impression that I would be getting payouts every 2-3 months

Also when the payouts start, they have to gradually build up to where I've been pushing all of the plays right?

For example: I drip-feed plays and build them up over 4 months, and the first payout will only include the first 2 months of "work"?

EDIT: If this is the case... I'm not as worried. I make professional-quality instrumentals with ease and can pump them out if need be... but I'd rather not lol! I still see all of my plays, just expecting a larger payout. Hopefully it's soon.
When you get your first payout it will only be for the first month you started, if you started in feb then when you get paid out in may it will be for February ONLY. Then at the end of June you should be getting your payments for March only in your distrokid, if you aren't getting payed out at the end of each month after your first payment comes in your account might be flagged.

If spotify hasn't taken away your views and stopped paying you out I would contact your distruster to see what the hell is going on. I haven't seen anything like that yet.
Instead of getting private accs, hacked ACC's are better for payout and for evading detection always.

Contact me on discord :- odddkidout#3154
Why they payout like shit when you compare them to premium accounts, not even worth running the server if all you are using is free accounts.

Unless the person you know is using a botnet to direct views at different songs which is wild, but to each their own.
Because that's their bussiness model bro
Like I said to each their own, no judgement from me. I have considered running a bot net before , but to be honest if I got in any trouble it would be hard to explain to my job. Do you want to compare ban rates when my other accounts roll in? I would be super interested to see if they ban my custom bots and artists in comparison to your method. Do you use a mix of free and premium or are you just using free accounts?
When you get your first payout it will only be for the first month you started, if you started in feb then when you get paid out in may it will be for February ONLY. Then at the end of June you should be getting your payments for March only in your distrokid, if you aren't getting payed out at the end of each month after your first payment comes in your account might be flagged.

If spotify hasn't taken away your views and stopped paying you out I would contact your distruster to see what the hell is going on. I haven't seen anything like that yet.
Hppening here as well since July, tracks are not beein removed, streams keep adding, spotify just doesnt pay to Tunceore..
Hppening here as well since July, tracks are not beein removed, streams keep adding, spotify just doesnt pay to Tunceore..
yeah same here, my tracks are all fine, all the streams are there but I had a big cut in the payout, while mysteriously some tracks still are getting paid normally so I'm a bit confused
yeah same here, my tracks are all fine, all the streams are there but I had a big cut in the payout, while mysteriously some tracks still are getting paid normally so I'm a bit confused
Which distributor? How many songs on the releases where you are and aren't getting paid? Have you noticed an amount on streams that the payout stops at? Or maybe a dollar amount?
Which distributor? How many songs on the releases where you are and aren't getting paid? Have you noticed an amount on streams that the payout stops at? Or maybe a dollar amount?
April (payed end June) was payed correct, may (suppose to be payed end July) zero, same for june (end August)

Tuncecore, the Spotify statement doesn't even show up ....

40k streams per trackl, 5 traclks in 1 TC..

Noticed that sll my premium spot account were deleted?disbaled in May.. So i thought, just make new ones and continue..

i stream physical, with pc and virtual pcs trhough 1 vpn. In playlists, 35 sec per song..
For my longest account hasn't paid out all for the month of June which is strange. I got paid for tunecore for the same artist just a different album.