Sports of BlackHatWorld


Elite Member
May 15, 2013
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Hey guys! What sports do you play/compete in to stay active? (Past or present)

It is interesting to see the wide range of culture we have here on the forum, so I thought this might be a fun way to visualize it in a different way. :)
I used to play tennis ever since I was a kid. I've still got a pretty mean serve. :)
I'm a runner. 3 days a week early morning run. Gets the head cleared and keeps me fit after sitting at computer all day.
Grew up playing a lot of sports as a kid. Football (little league-middle school), baseball (played a few seasons and got bored so I stopped), Ran cross country through high school.

As I got older I became more and more interested in MMA (mixed martial arts).

Now, I do boxing 4 days/week at a local boxing gym, but hoping to add Muay Thai and BJJ (Jiu Jitsu) in the near future.

Few shots of the local boxing gym.



It's a small boxing gym, but the people there are awesome and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

If you're a full time/part time marketer and spend a lot of time glued to your computer chair everyday without much exercise, start adding some type of physical activity into your schedule ASAP. Don't neglect this because it will catch up to you sooner or later (learned that the hard way) ;)
Awesome responses so far! As for me, I am currently running High school track and will pick up with cross country at the beginning of next year.
yes so Alive and Kicking i'm a fan of tennis used to play {football|soccer} when I was younger

I used to be into white water rafting until I hit a rock and broke my pelvis. Never got into any sport after that because it kind of messed me up. :banghead:
im into basquetball
always play a round or to with my friends
and strangers
Shuttle is my favourite still i am playing with my friends. And
I hit more than 350 rounds in Skeet Firing this one is most unbelievable achievement for me. Thanks OP to share this.
I do competitive Rock Climbing. Soon I am going to Arco, Italy for a Youth Bouldering Worlds.
I have never been so inactive in my life and I feel terrible.
I have piled on the weight and it is taking it's toll.
Definitely need to get back into doing some form of physical activity very soon.
I used to workout with weights and do a lot of cardio work but if I tried it right now, I think it would kill me.
When you exercise regularly, it actually helps you focus and gives you the stamina to work harder.
I am a very active and play most of the sports very well, basketball(pro) :D, cricket(pro) :D speed running etc.. but since past year or so I stopped all that and started become a little fatass thx to interwebz, but recently I started playing cricket and basktball early in the morning and couldn't feel any better.

I highly reccommend playing/doing some sort of physical activity...
I prefer visiting gym(have been working out for more than 9 years), running and playing badminton.
mostly volleyball and football(soccer) also evening run, in the spring, summer and autumn... on winter it`s too hardcore lol
I always play Money Making Sports.
