[Spam journey] Fresh site ranking with cheap spam?


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
>>NOT<< my site, just found it by checking my WP spam folder of one of my sites:


Registered: 1.5.2013, Godaddy

Keywords: spyder outlet, spyder jackets outlet, spyder outlet store (submitted as such in my WP spam folder)
G external keyword tool: low monthly searches (each max some 1000), high adwords competition

Loads and loads of spam comments, check "spyder-jackets2013.com", cannot be worse. Currently quite unresponsive. In other words, completely contradictory to G webmaster tools recommendations.

Currenlty 0 for all keywords.

Really curious, how it evolves.
Now 504 error, site not available.

DOS by BHWorld, lol. max 10 views or so.

Ranking update
spyder outlet N/A
spyder jackets outlet N/A
spyder outlet store N/A
Hope this was not ignorant critics but a question...

Somebody is using old-school dirt spam BH methods, but on a large scale in post Panga/Pinguin/whatever times.

Is it totally non-working? Does it eventually work for a short time? Is it still possible to rank with blatant spam?

what is the point of this thread
This will probably be hit by the penguin very soon. I can't see this kind of ranking technique being useful in the long-term.