Spam complaint


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2010
Reaction score
I have a small website where I'm reselling some seo gigs from fiverr. This morning when I verified the comments from this website I found this message:

hey look it's yet another fucking idiot spammer pretending to be a seo company. give it up losers.

btw - we have sent our logs of your spamming to your local police department, your website host and to our friends at Google with whom we have a deal to out idiot seo link spammers like yourself.

enjoy the financial, legal and scrubbing from google index's penalties.

and this

fuck you spammer. do the world a favor and kill yourself before you give birth to more retards.

you ad partners have been notified of your pathetic spamming. now fuck off

The IP from where was sent the message is from Surrey, Canada (he don't use proxy). I don't if it's for real or not, but "our friends at Google with whom we have a deal" can be real?

Anyone else with this type of message in the comment list or in inbox?
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lol...if it was me....I would blast the hell out of their blogs
bunch of loser with too much spare time
Trust me nobody has friends in google that they dial spam into. Usually this is some unemployed clown with too much time on his hands. You could reply to him pointing this out and throw in some varied insults but best practice is click delete and keep on doing your own thing.
I personnaly would print it some beans ..go to the toilet and wipe with
I do not think they have "friends" in google but maybe he can send a report of SPAM to google.
My main source of traffic it's not from SEO, so it's not so important if google will deindex my website or something like that. Like Duffers5000 said... I will delete them and I will go on. This type of language don't need attention.
Probably your competitor trying to scare you, so that you shutdown your site. He might not getting any sales that's why trying to sue you.
Don't worry be happy! and make money :)
I get these all the time, it comes with the territory. they'te not going to do anything.
1. He didn't complain of you spamming HIS website directly. So he should get his nose out of what doesn't affect him.
2. A deal with google? Lolwut?
3. Level of professionalism is terribly lacking.
4. Grab a beer and if you can actually find a website that he owns blast the shit out of it, Or pay for a fiverr gig and have them blast the shit out of it. But the main point is. Blast. The. Shit. Out. Of. It.
I'd just reply "Orly?" and be done with it. After reading many variations of these assholes contacting BHatters, it's clear these people are sad gits who have no success and are trying to scare the competition.

We know better.
"To who this may concern.

I have intercourse on a regular basis, by judging your message you do not as it seems it is all you can think of.
You can benefit from this anger management course [affiliate_link]. It really helps and with the help of this dating guide [affiliate link] you may one day experience the pleasure of coitus too instead of talking about it.

Hope this helps as you surely do need help.

Kind regards,

Spam department"

Could send that?