Southern Calfiornia Yelp Reviews


Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
hey Gents,

looking for yelp reviews for Los Angeles, SAn Diego Area. let me know if you have a service. These must stick.

I'm also looking, please add me to skype or PM me..

skype: aperezseo
Also need these badly. Please skype or PM

skype: Jvidmar
Same here. Please PM me if anyone has this service. I am considering someone right now and if they do a good I will try and refer them to you guys.
I am from San Diego and have an account with yelp. I can leave detailed optimized reviews but not on a large scale. These would be real reviews. PM me or add me on skype to discuss details

skype: sandiegoseoexperts
I have two yelp accounts and can swap reviews and am looking for reviews for my business that will stick. Pm me

Or Skype: ggbrown15
Hi everybody,

I have about 4 aged, good Yelp accounts and will be willing to trade some reviews with anybody in LA area. Hit me up at kasmakunATgmaildotcom. I can't PM anyone, so please send me message with your contact info (Emiail, Skype, phone #, etc). Again, I won't be able to reply back, so make sure you include your contact info.