Song I can't Get outta my mind


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2008
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So... I heard this jap song somewhere, found it on youtube and now I can't get it out of my head (not like I want to either lol) ... this chick doesn't know how to dance but thats not what I am after.... this song has something that just sets it apart .....

BTW I dunno what she is saying cause I am not jap... very cool song/rhythm nonetheless.... :cool:
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cool video

E B C#m A


there's really only a handful of chord progressions out there - you could do that for every song.
Ive got that damn "party in the usa" song by miley cyrus stuck in my head, so catchy
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i'm a i get kids songs stuck in my head
caution, embedding disabled by user to prevent viewers from going blind watching Jack Black dancing in a tight neon orange suit

anyway, i usually get this song stuck in my head...but i love it...cuz when my son begs for something, i just sing, 'you can't always get what you want, na na na na'....'it won't help if you keep on askin...' :P

more movie stars embarrassing themselves for the sake of the children:
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