Someone has to know this guy


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
I have spent 2 weeks cyber stalking this guy with no luck. I sent him PM on BHW and every other forum I found his nic on after googling it.I sent him messege on his youtube account but he hasn't been on in a week and like a dumb ass I just realised i could try that 4 days ago. He hasnt been in BHW for months but I'm hoping someone in here is friends with him. He has mad talent and I'm hoping to get him to work with me on something. Does anyone know MikeSki ? Please Help

This has to be the most desperate sounding thread ever. Oh wait I'm not asking anyone to help me make a grand before tomorrow morning LMAO.
Seems like you wasted 2 weeks of your life "cyber stalking" someone who doesn't want to be contacted by you...... I am now creating a L using my thumb and pointer and placing it on my forehead..
skagen, he wants to JV with someone he finds talented so he's looking for him. Were you born without a hyperbole sensor?

noob, that's a shit attitude.. if you don't pursue what you want, you'll always be a noob. Good luck with that.

Sorry liquidrage, I don't know him... good luck.
Thanks for straightening that out for me Flow.
thanks and +rep given.

@others: try reading the post before responding. I'm pretty sure it was easy to understand. This is a forum used to learn how to make money via marketing mostly online some offline and even J.V Joint Venture (which is making money with another member or several other members) depending on how ambitious you are.

I'm very ambitious.
Run a "reverse email look up" and you will get the info you need.
Have you joined his youtube channel and sent him a message? The last time he was online was last week. If hes not replying then maybe you should back off.
Seems like you wasted 2 weeks of your life "cyber stalking" someone who doesn't want to be contacted by you...... I am now creating a L using my thumb and pointer and placing it on my forehead..

I think the "cyber stalking" thing was meant as tongue and cheek noob 411.

I personally don't know him OP...good luck in your quest though!