Somebody Claimed that my script is copied fom him,but i havent what should i do now?


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2012
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I have made a php script and some one is saying that i am reselling his code and warned me to stop selling .
I gave access to files via teamviewer to check the code and after that he is saying a bunch of code is copied and not build from scratch .
i have build this project from scratch what should i do?
As you have built the code from scratch you should do nothing. Let him threaten you and even sue you as he will loose if the code is done by you.

I wouldn't even give him TeamViewer access. How you know that he is not competitor and didn't stole your code when he checked your code?
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I think this is a classic problem of the first in the debate.

I clone google and it does not matter.

Google takes all the content from the internet and no one to sue them.
Deny stealing his script (if indeed you didn't steal it) and say you'll provide evidence if it goes to court.
Make sure there's nothing on your site that looks like a direct copy.
thanks for the reply guys..
he is threatening on fb and repeating that its a copy and annoying me
he is saying that database table name are same and queries for looking offers is same (select * from ****)
what is he trying to tell?

if i have created a student management application with roll no and address in it table
then if somebody else created the same student management application it cannot have this fields?
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You should just ignore him and keep your work, if you really create the script from scratch.
He sounds a real weirdo. Maybe he is just trying to ruin your reputation and loose your customers by claiming that you are a copy-cat and he is using exact function names/queries he got in the TeamViewer session to make his story look more legit...
;) with that tv access u conveniently gv him almost everything he need to attack u with foreign inclusion wd
hmm that guy is crazy and has lot of previous scamming reports when i searched
Just say listen I tried to reason with you, but that's not going to work. So why don't you go suck a whole bag of dicks?
WOW! Why would you give him team-viewer access to your code? You shouldn't let people scare you off so easily. If I were you, I'd just ask him to go fcuk himself!
Tell him to let you you know when he initiates legal proceedings.

Also let him know you have taken screenshots of the false accusations he has been making and if he doesn't remove them you will be initiating your own legal action against him - for libel.

Ask for the name of his lawyer too.

That should stop him
If you didn't steal his script then u can give him a counter threat asking him to take down his script instead ;) , Personally i would do that if i know i have not done anything wrong.
You shouldn't even give him the time of day....You don't have to prove anything to anyone....EVER.
I wouldnt even bothered to show him anything ... 1 response denying it and blacklist his email.
I have made a php script and some one is saying that i am reselling his code and warned me to stop selling .
I gave access to files via teamviewer to check the code and after that he is saying a bunch of code is copied and not build from scratch .
i have build this project from scratch what should i do?
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