Some General Questions on making Facebook Profiles - And My Short Story


May 2, 2014
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This is my first post, and even though I took the time to try and read all of the Terms of Service Agreement thoroughly, if this post is out of place in anyway.. please feel free to remove it.

Okay, so I've been dabbling with SEO and marketing in social media on and off for some time. My problem "in the past" has been the lack of dedication and/or belief that I could actually be successful in such a venture. But over the course of that time, I have researched and researched, all the while, furthering my knowledge and gaining the tools to be able to become successful. I could go on and on about my 3-point plan, but I'm unsure if it's within the rules.

In short, I'm currently working on the creation of 5,000 accounts. Though for a while I was set back with the emails, I've jumped that obstacle and moved forward. Now I'm in the actual creation stage and moving along nicely.

Now here are my questions..

What general advice do you have for making legitimate looking profiles? Obviously, having multiple pictures to accompany is one of the foremost factors, no? I have enough pics to cover about 1,000 profiles (which is okay since as far as creation goes, I'm working on 100 at a time anyways). Cover photos are important, correct? And I take the extra time to write up the "about me", and post random PI. I cross-friended my first 10 so as to build up legitimate looking conversation. And so far, this has proven to do the trick. I want as many legitimate friends as possible on each account, so I figure I'll only cross-friend 10 friends on each one of my profiles.. leaving me with 4,980 unique when complete.

Generally speaking, is there anything else I can be doing that will give that boost? In 3 days since initially starting (not including the weeks of generating names, pics, emails) I'm sitting on 100 profiles, with the first 50 having 400-500 friends, and the latter averaging between 75-250. I want to focus on 100 at a time till I get over 1000 each, and then move on from there. The End game? 5,000 profiles with 5,000 friends with a slightly less than 25m reach.

All comments and feedback appreciated. Even be critical if you like. I've accepted a 3-6 month time table before initiating my means to turn a profit. It's all about patience and building it from the ground up. Also, keep in mind this is just 1 part to my 3 point strategy. I also multi-task the other two, but they belong in other parts of the forum. Thanks again for your time guys and glad to be aboard!

Thats an interesting read.

Im a relative newbie at setting up multiple FB accounts myself but surely there's automatic software out there that can help speed things up for you?
In 3 days and you have over 30k friends in 100 accounts is very impressive. It means your account quality is good enough.

Question: what is the source of your friends, are those from "Add Me" groups? And how can you keep your accounts from having mutual friends?
Well, I suppose it's certainly not bad. I can be overly critical on myself at Then again, I've been behind a computer screen practically from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep. But with that in mind, this has been something I've been working towards for a long time. In fact, I love it. Seeing the progress, moving closer to my goal. Even if I don't see a profit for some time, I enjoy what I'm doing.

There probably is software out there for the specific reason of adding friends or speeding up the account creation process, but most likely, it's going to cost. I have real world expenses, that although isn't much, I just don't have the excess to put towards such software. So, for now, it's all manual. But if it's all you've got to work with, it's all you've got. And I like being fully hands on.

And nope, those friends weren't picked up by groups. During the creation process (and mostly with my first 10-50 counts) I listed them having lived in the biggest city in each state, having gone to a University at a different location within the same state, and currently living in the second biggest city. The reason being, I figured this gave me the largest opportunity to get adds and add people successfully because in highly populated areas, it's not uncommon to not know someone. And it's proven more successful than I thought. I'd say most of my friends on any given profile are 40%-60% added manually, and vice versa were adds that were sent to me. And I've tried my own best to weed out other fakes to sustain the quality of my own profiles.

Like I said though, I can be overly critical of myself at times. And I'm always open to useful advice and wisdom. Any feedback appreciated.
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I've honestly found it easier to get adds from the western US than eastern. You would think Florida would be easier to rack them up than say, New Mexico. Also, if you get that usual msg "Do I know you?", I generally write back the people with a pretty decent excuse.. Just moved, trying to meet new people, was drinking while adding friends, feel free to unfriend me or if you ever wanna chat, that's cool too. My most successful account is my New Mexico one. A lot of the friends I've picked up speak spanish. So I write I update my status in spanish or english, and say I'm trying to become better with my spanish so I'm adding people on facebook to help develop my ability to use it properly. I made a status update about how beautiful the spanish language is, and I received 134 likes so far. To really appear legitimate you have to work it.

I already know, though, that as those friends start to rack up, it's going to get harder and harder to get that 5k.
The hard part of building multiple FB accounts in large scale is the roadblocking challenges. Sooner or later you will have to verify all those accounts by one of those method: phone verification, friends' tagged photos recognition, tagging review (if you do lots of tagging) and ultimately "Upload government-issued ID" verification.

There will be some blockings in between: friend request blocking, content posting blocking, like/share blocking... But if you are not spamming, the blocking rates are less.

So it will be very hard to build accounts by hand, in large scale. Using one of those softwares in marketplace could not help because they was not designed for specialized account building strategies. Your best bet is to find a coder and make custom bot that suits all your needs.

Your journey is interesting, I subscribed :)
Well, I promised myself I would take the day off yesterday. I lied. lol. But in my defense, I had nothing better to do, and in all honesty, I'm somewhat addicted. I have changed some of my base concepts though. Originally, my campiagn was to be split 50/50 male to female profiles. I've decided to go with a 60/40 female/male format because, let's face it, women are more marketable.. that, and when it comes to identity creation, there are many more resources. I was actually advised 70/30, but.. bleh, just a personal decision.

So yesterday, I made leaps and bounds on gathering identity resources. It was strenuous or.. mind numbing at times, but I'm close to finishing up all I'll need for my women's profiles. I'm trying my best to get the materials aspect out of the way so I can go full hands on in the creation process and actually begin to see a bigger picture. I'm not doing bad so far, but if you've read my ambition, there is a ways to go. On top of that, I have picked up a program that will aide me immensely in the email creation process. I've scouted a few more lesser known email host, proxies, and did some research on some international areas I plan to target. I feel that keeping up with current events and incorporating that into your post/status makes all the difference in how people perceive you and the determining of whether they want to be your friend.

So after yesterday, I promised myself I would take today off.. Once again, I lied. So I figured I'd stop over here at BHW and update, browse a bit, and get back to it. I was wondering if anyone could shed light on whether proxies make much difference in the creation of emails through host that have daily creation limits? I could and will most likely find out myself, but I figured I would ask here anyways.

Also, I've found that while I have been receiving the pop-up notifying me to only add people that I know, by skipping and only trying to add every other or every third person down the list in the finding friends tab, I get it less frequently. Also, I try to add people who are mutual friends in the areas I'm targetting to build up that network in that select area. Again, when their mutual friends, I get the pop-up less frequently than an account where I was trying to add everyone, and getting notified every other add I attempted.

But Tomorrow... I am definitely taking the day off. I'm trying to be proactive in keeping the energy and not getting burnt out, even if at the moment, I'm no where near that threshold.
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quality vs quantity mate trust me alot of add me group are fake friends or just perves from low EPC countrys 10,000 friends request = 1,500-2,500 decent friends.
So your method is great only one issue is IP address and phone numbers?

Add these twist to your accounts
1. Turn your follow button on!
2. Make sure you have 50 profile pics for each profile on dripfeed;
three pics at the start until 500 friends then drip feed them by uploading 1 every one to two days.
Also drip feeding cover pics such as cute animals funny pics and the "quote" pictures.
3. find "famous" people by looking at peoples followers the most followed are at the top find ones with 100,000 followers and then follow people who comment on the status this is the highest form of engaging IMO.
4. get in the adult niche and make HQ facebook pages with HQ pictures which are watermarked with a .com website.
I really do appreciate the feedback. I want nothing to do with add goups. It may take longer, but it'll be well worth it. My end game as far as these profiles isn't exactly clear. When I'm in a good position I want to buy hosting, build a site (already have two designed just not implemented) and maybe go from there.. Worst case scenario, I offload them for hopfully a nice sum to fund my other endeavors. It's a steady income vs. lump sum scenario.. Thanks especially for tips two and three.. I was already on top of the first one. I was trying to come up with ideas to engage others and promote genuine adds without coming off as.. well, you know. In the last hour alone, it's proven to be effective. Thanks again.

Edit: and when I say "offload them" I mean that as a last resort. I enjoy this sort of independent work a lot, and would like to build an effective income from it for the long haul. Constantly improving, and branching out. I've read a lot of threads on here that have been a huge inspiration. I figure with a strong sense of dedication, there is no reason why I can't accomplish this.
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It has been roughly 6 months since my last update. Needless to say, there have been several set backs. My biggest issue as times, lack of motivation and simply allowing myself to get burnt out. I have /hypotheticallysuccessfully created a little over 2300 email addresses, and have access to 2300 facebook accounts, only 1196 of which have complete profiles, the remaining 1k needing finished, and only about 100 or so that I have truly focused on in rotation to gain quality/real friends and seem like legitimate accounts. They are broken down as the 2 profiles from each state that have done the best of all the rest, some are male/female in combination, but many are unsurprising female/female.

I kept to the tradition of making the accounts hometowns the second or third largest cities in their respective states. I havent even began to make money yet. Which is probably why I have become burnt out at times and have completely taken breaks from building my media empire.. hehe. I have also went a bit off track and dabbled in page/group making, flipping other electronic media, app farming, ect.. some of which that have been quite profitable. But as of late, I have again returned to my initial venture of grandeur, and am stubborning persistant in getting that 5k quality accounts with near max friends. Of the nearly 1.2k complete profiles, about 800-900 are decent.. atleast 190-200 friends respectively.. like I said, my top-tier accounts are doing great with about 100 having about 2000 quality friends each.. wasn't easy, I was very critical and active in groups to get those quality request. My mentality "Make them want to be friends with you". A little research on events in your targeted area, sports teams, and real-life sub-communities that exist.. all about mining that information, and although not physical in the literal sense, tiresome.

I know I'm missing out on some programs that could have probably completed my objective by now with a few clicks here and a few clicks there. I actually plan on scouring the net for some good programs to aid my initiative.. you cant bring back lost time, but it only make my drive more concrete knowing that very real hard earned investment of time, sleep, and sanity.. lol.

Will do a more proper update either later or in a few days. I'm more/less multitasking quite a few projects, which isnt always the path to success I know.. I'm going to try to better appropiate my time to each venture, and hopefully.. start reaping the real reqards. Thanks so much for your guys content here at BHW. I havent posted in a long time, but I've been lurking, learning, planning, and ultimately waiting to make my move. Thanks again guys for your support, and for this community in general! You guys are great.
You could very easily monetize your Facebook list by selling likes, as in liking articles on peoples sites to make them appear to be shared socially. With all those profiles you should be able to do fairly good too, I know that you have more but 1500 likes on an article would really help add some social credibility to well written article on a site.

You can get custom bots made for next to nothing here, the folks that make them are very reasonable. Hope this helps you out friend I want to see you succeed in this!

You could sell invites with that many friends. For instance, someone has an event and needs as promotion on it as possible, you'll go to that event with each account and send invite.

What Zekie said is also a good angle as well, to like articles or pages on people's sites to increase social shares.

Let me know if you plan on doing any of this in the future. May be willing to buy your services. PM me a price and we'll go from there.

What's your endgame with these accounts in the long run?
If all 5000 accounts are created from the same IP, wouldn't it be too easy for FB to identify these as fake and suspend all of them? Do you use proxies? How do you plan to monetize these accounts.