Sold Out of EPN and Shoppingads Please Read


Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have sold every one of my shoppingads and EPN accounts and wanted to say thank you BlackHatWorld for giving me knowledge , hope and pride to come out of nowhere and learn so much more .......... I will always do my best to help anyone if I know the answers to your problems or if you need knowledge. Thanks Again Gawd !

And if anyone has a issue with me or an account i have sold them please contact me asap and within minutes or hrs I will take care of it, the last thing I like to hear or see is when people come online and if they get something that is not working correctly is for them to say Im a cheat or liar etc before they even give you a chance to solve the probelm.

With that said I have to announce that there are 900 USA ebay sellers accounts coming into my possesion by this time tomorrow all are verified sellers accounts so get ready for a sale soon.
I am from an Asian country and got rejected for the affiliate
program after they made the switch over from Commission Junction.

If I purchase a US EPN account and change the address to my country
for the affiliate payments to be sent to me, would EPN notice and close my account.

Shemmi, buy the US EPN account, dont change the address, get paid into a PayPal account and then move the funds.
how much for 50 seller accounts??

no more EPN accounts?