[Social] [CPA] My journey to $50 a day


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hello all, the way I see it, this journal will be more of a way for me to keep track of myself and motivate myself to do more. I also hope to inspire people to take action and see that work will bring results.

My plan is to slowly build up an empire of facebook accounts with large amount of friends, and use them to promote fanpages, sites, and more. For now, we are just building accounts.

To start off the first day, I purchased 15 quality, full profile PVAs, and 10 proxies shared with 3 other people. This costed about $50. I already had a bot, however it was worth $50 as well.

So to start, I've spent a total of $100.

Work Done Today:
I ran the bot, added the accounts, assigned proxies, and made them each add 15-30 people. This should be all I do today.

Money Spent: $100.00
Money Earned: $0.00
Facebook Friends: 0
Facebook Fans: 0

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I just have 15 accounts I switch and like and comment on my vids using the switch account feature. Maybe you could share the proxies with me aswell as bot to be like cool and stuff, giving is better then receiving :D come on man be cool :)
I just have 15 accounts I switch and like and comment on my vids using the switch account feature. Maybe you could share the proxies with me aswell as bot to be like cool and stuff, giving is better then receiving :D come on man be cool :)

Sorry, I can't do that, the proxies have passwords and I'd like to keep them fast.
More Work Done:
I had an old facebook page with around one hundred fans, so I took it, post some new content on it, and I promoted two of the posts for $10.

Progress Made Today:

After the bot ran, and I checked the stats a few times, these are the numbers.

Money Spent: $110.00
Money Earned: $0.00
Facebook Friends: 49
Facebook Fans: 184

End of Day 1.
Hope you will success in it
Wish you best of luck don't forget to keep updating us

Yes keep us updated OP, many of these ambitious journey threads suddenly get buried after a week.. best of luck and well done for taking action!
Beginning of Day 2:

Today I have started with:

Money Spent: $110.00
Money Earned: $0.00
Facebook Friends: 116
Facebook Fans: 184
