Snapchat services - followers, views, scores and etc..


Junior Member
Aug 26, 2017
Reaction score
Hello, I've seen on the market and on multiple websites guys offering Snapchat services.
Can someone smart and with snapchat experience tell me how this works?

For example followers. I know they loads on your account 500 followers - but whats the point of these fake followers? ON IG its all good it shows public followers amount but on Snapchat you cant see this. How to find by yourself that you got followers and how much?

Views - all clear with this. Story views. Still not sure whats the point of this but its clear.

Most strange thing - Snapchat Score. How they can rise this score? What methods they uses to increase your points to 1000 for example? And whats the point and of having much points? Does it help for something?

Thank you for your thoughts and ideas in this discussion.
CN you share link from market place to this snapchat service! Im interesting
The only reason I can think of at the moment is that people do this to do s4s with accounts that have real followers.

Score is easy to boost you can find it on youtube. Maybe people boost score so it looks like their account is around for a long time
Maybe people boost score so it looks like their account is around for a long time
They do this indeed to make their accounts look more "legit". Boosting is easy and everyone can do it. Idk about the "fake followers" services, they look useless to me.
If you can prove to people you have a huge following and a huge number of views on your snaps, you can get people to pay to advertise their products and services on your snap.