Smashez's journey to $100/day.


Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
How's it going? I'm doing good, thanks for asking or not asking. This is my journey to $100/day, hopefully it won't take too long and my road is going to smooth as silk. Probably not, but we all like to dream. Why $100/day? Personally for me it would be a great milestone at achieve it and to maintain it for as long as it's possible. The amount is decent enough to make my life a bit easier and I could finally live it, not trying to survive. If that make sense. Right, enough with that "intro", let's get in it.

What's the plan?

It won't be a big suprise, because as every other newbie here, I will kick off with youtube + cpa. I find it to be the best stepping stone I could find. Worked for most of you, why shouldn't it work for me? I haven't planned anything after that, because I don't want to jump ahead, though once I see some pennies rolling in, I will invest them further into other projects to reach my goal and keep myself happy.

This thread is mostly for me, to keep some sort of track on my success/failure.

Thanks for reading.
Now its not an easy task to earn $100/day with Youtube easily. You need to put some extra time and attention on different methods as well to reach at your goal. Best of luck with that journey.
Now its not an easy task to earn $100/day with Youtube easily. You need to put some extra time and attention on different methods as well to reach at your goal. Best of luck with that journey.

I know that. That's why I'm starting with youtube and then will invest that money into other projects to reach my goal. I wrote about it in my first post, though I guess didn't make myself clear enough. Thanks for heads up though!
The most I've earned on a day is $40 with ppd, I think cpa is good option with good conversion rate. You probably find out other ways to get traffic, not only depend on youtube mate. By the way good luck.
cpa is good to start, but first you should know what you are doing.

cpa is good to start, but first you should know what you are doing.


You have that spoon ready? :D We all make mistakes and learn from them. Sure it would be a lot better and less hustle to have someone leading you and educating.

I know it won't be easy and all that. Though I won't rush things and in the beginning I might struggle a lot, but eventually I WILL get them bills in my pocket.
Small update!

Today I managed to get everything out of my head (ideas and methods, how to implement them) and put them on paper so it's all good and organized. Installed all the tools I need for this project, so I can start working without any hickups. Plan is to pick out around 3 keyword from gaming niche, create 2 landing pages for each keyword, so in total 6 landing pages. I will use subdomains, so I don't have to spend money on domains. After that is done, I will create 2-4 videos per keyword/topic and upload to youtube.

I need some suggestions, if anyone is willing to help me out.

- A good, cheap hosting. Unlimited subdomains would be best.
- Tips on how to boost yt videos, programs?
Small update!

I need some suggestions, if anyone is willing to help me out.

- A good, cheap hosting. Unlimited subdomains would be best.
- Tips on how to boost yt videos, programs?
I always go with hostgator.
As for the views, you would do well to head over to fiverr and look for those which are highly rated (like 100% rating or 99% at least).
All the best dude!!!
Make sure your videos aren't too spammy. A lot of YouTube videos get banned. Especially when they start getting popular, it's happened to quite a few people who posted journeys on this forum.
Nice journey, good luck! Will be following this thread.
Will Youtube only be your main traffic source? Or Youtube + Google?
Will Youtube only be your main traffic source? Or Youtube + Google?

Since the niche I picked is "fake" I will start with yt alone. Then once I get my feet wet I will move onto other niches that would be good with google ranking.