Skype Group for Seo and keywords. We need more active people.

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Regular Member
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
So far our group has about 40 people that talk almost daily about anything to do with IM. Everyone is really friendly and chatty. We do try to stay on topic or at least make the convo about IM. We would really like to grow this to a nice group. I have met some really smart & friendly IMers through this group. :)

We do remove the non talkers because we don't want leeching.. So if you like to learn or are ready to help people please come.

PM me or Post below and I will add you tonight or in the morning.
whats the skype or group link? PM me thanks
hello, please send me the group link or add me.
skype: vayazo1
add me:

can be an admin as well. always down to kick knowledge
I pmed everyone above.

I made a mistake in the PM we do not allow people to promote their services or items in the chat. Sorry it says we do allow it...MY mistake lol.
Can you please get in touch with me. I would like to join the group.

Thank you :beerchug:
Please add me in the group. I'm always willing share my knowledge and learn as well. :)
Seems interesting. I may send you a PM in the near future.
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