Sites Similar To Squidoo...


Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
Are there any sites out there similar to Squidoo?

I know there is hubpages, but they have lots and lots and lots of rules about posting links, and on top of that I have heard rumors about them being nofollow.

Not article directories, not blogs, that's not what I am talkign about here.

I am looking for sites like Squidoo - where I can create multiple pages of content, have links back to my site within the content, etc

If you know any, I would be appreciative if you could post them.

Thank You :)
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Hubpages even though what you think about thim it is not true . Have 2 links and some unique content and you will do fine . I have just created a hubpage and that hubpage is already in the serps (4 hours)

Ok also try and . there are other free wordpress and blog type sites . these are great for adding great unique content to and adding your backlink . Also do not forget about anchor text . As anchor text is important.
Ok I will give hubpage a shot then...

I need 3 more sites similar to this, if anyone has them.

Not including blogs, article sites, etc - I've got those covered.

Thanks for your suggestion.
Wetpaint is another to try

Also try propeller which is kind of like social bookmarking but you can get ranked number one in some long tailed keywords really easy with propellar is another one

ok all finished now you can get to work .
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Here is hubpage secret to using more links. Hubpages really doesn't have a problem with links. What they do have a problem with it using the same link multiple times. So how do you get around this problem. Use shortner services such as offto, tinyurl, etc. That way the links all go to the same place but doesn't set of hubpages same url filter.

Another thing. If you get your hubpage score up to 75 or better-- the hub becomes do-follow!! Trust me I know~
Here is hubpage secret to using more links. Hubpages really doesn't have a problem with links. What they do have a problem with it using the same link multiple times. So how do you get around this problem. Use shortner services such as offto, tinyurl, etc. That way the links all go to the same place but doesn't set of hubpages same url filter.

Another thing. If you get your hubpage score up to 75 or better-- the hub becomes do-follow!! Trust me I know~

wow thanks for that tidbit of info there . Something I did not know I thought they where auto do follow .

I wander if I could use my squidoo trick to get a high ranking squidoo with hubpages .

My squidoo trick gave me a 170 in the work at home category in 2 days and one of the top 25k lens all that in 2 days . And the squid is about what? Nothing more than blogging to the bank :)
wow thanks for that tidbit of info there . Something I did not know I thought they where auto do follow .

I wander if I could use my squidoo trick to get a high ranking squidoo with hubpages .

My squidoo trick gave me a 170 in the work at home category in 2 days and one of the top 25k lens all that in 2 days . And the squid is about what? Nothing more than blogging to the bank :)

What kind of trick is that? Please share if it is not a top secret. Thanks
I have already posted it here it is in the money making section .

*cough* ya know there is a search button
just pulling your chain . but my method is right there still going through it though .

If you want to help refine it please contribute I would love to hear your ideas .

I knew they were nofollow...

Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather just go to sites that don't have point rules and crap like this - get a link for posting one :)
Yeah I do not even claim to understand it because I created a hubpage and I am already lsited in the serps on that hubpage .

I specially do not understand it as the feeds to the hubpage how can that feed be a no follow feed ?

Makes no sense.
Hubpages high rankings are temporary. so build links to your site to get rankings that are better than your hubs.

also get people to comment and traffic to your hubs, this increase the hubscore thus giving you DO FOLLOW