Since the Google Update Sites with 0 backlinks ranking #1 in my niche


Power Member
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Did a full ahrefs analysis #1 for a product i used to rank for with 10,000 monthly searches now has a store ranking #1 with no backlinks

the second ranking site has only 5 backlinks with 0 target anchors and it goes on the same

Looks like relevancy has become huge since the update, the big difference for the #1 ranker is it has 400 internal links back to its page from different product pages. almost all using same anchors but thats the only difference i can tell that could make it #1.

Any other ideas? should i just make a ton of relevant articles in my page and internal link back?
Its a store, maybe the reason? Or hidden PBN links which is may not truth in your case...